After rebuilding my bike up after the winter strip ive got one bit left i cannot work out how it came off the bike. Its the small curved piece that slots up the back of the link pipe of the exhaust system. it locates at the bottom with 2 slots and 2 bolts but im struggling with the upper part of it. the piece has a rubber bung at the top and is cut out as if it should fit up close to the main fairing where it bolts to the bracket that fastens to the peg. i have bolted the main fairing to the bracket (at the top of this part) but the extra piece just kinda gets in the way of the bolt and the piece doesnt fit nicely around the exhaust now like it used to, i cant for the life of me remember how it sat. i feel i'm missing something ... please help as im currently riding around with it off and its doing my head in. thanks