get yer rants oot,,,,,,

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Heads up mucker, yer dare say whit yer think up here ra effin polis 'll frog march yer oot yer hoose 'n cuffs.

Jist cause yer an online fud.

****, see yer latter dudes.
G, two fuckwhits arrested fir sectarian posts on a forum.???

Jist the **** that is the west of scotland football community.
Oh right. Tbh don't know a whole lot about all that so not placed to comment. Was a shock though when, many moons ago, I realised sectarianism was such a big thing in Scotland, or Glasgow in particular. Until then I'd thought it was confined to N Ireland.

Had a good few drunken conversations in Glasgae / Scotland that strayed onto religion / footlball and realised sharpish to keep my mouth shut and change the subject or get my head stoved in.

As I say, igorant so nowt to comment. As a fairly peaceable kinda guy I see it as a shame, but that probably qualifies as naive post of the year.
bay, they were fuds that stirred ***** on forums.

G, yer well sorted in ma toon if yer got a wee bit of brain, same as any other place the world over.

Light heartedly I wondered, whit if the pollis were checkin oot all forum posts fae glesga.

OOPPSS am fecked.
I'm the same Giles i don't understand it. What I don't understand though is the Ireland thing when bush was in power he said when the USA twin tower thing happened they'd fight terrorism world wide but then never sorted it out on their own doorstep which was Ireland. I say own doorstep due to the amount of Irish Americans plus the amount of American dollars that funded a lot of what happened. Still not sorted and yet we're in bloody Iraq, Afghanistan etc trying to sort stuff out. I do understand why we're there yes but the Irish terrorism seems to have been forgotten again even though it seems to be flaring up again.
Oh amen aldo ure so bloody right. It's all about oil.

Religion and oil. That's what causes wars nowadays. Isn't it a well known fact that most wars aredue to a difference in religion. Makes one wonder sometime
I went to college in Glasgow for 3 years and with my accent (Bristol West Country / london) I soon learned to mimic those around me and "disappear" to avoid conflict

The college was in what used to be the Gorbals by the way so the fuds on here ken fine well what I mean .. ya ken

When suddenly confroted with many drunken people does one say

"Get away tae fek ya fenians"

or shout

"I'm feckin orange ya bas"


"Square goal by the way"

It was the latter that resulted in my somewhat af tae the side scull .... by the feckin way .... pish

To put this into context ,,, there were 55 in my intake and 5 of us (no me by the way) were hospitalised.

My flat mates girl friend .... andmy friend .... was knifed / raped / killed .... 100m from our place

Sometimes its hard to decide quite who to hate
I hate the people who cause conflicts, cause harm or injury to others without any thought at all. I just wish people could get on. If you don't like someone ignore them etc. Without wars etc there would be so much more money to be spent on other things to improve lives. God I sound like someone at a beauty contest "well I'd like peace and harmony to all mankind and for derigour urban cammo trousers to be banned"
bay, poor newboy. wid he end up riding wae nought but his pants and jaiket???
One rant for me is if people must fly a flag , they should put it the right way up.

I must have seen a dozen at least this last week or so.

The Union Flag upside down .
Hec - agreed. Pisses me right off. I learnt the right way to fly the Union Jack in the cubs.

Uneducated plebs....
hec, i remember years ago Dr I Paisley when he was somthin to do with the european union doin his absolute dinger with them eurocrats aboot the union flag being flown upside down. Fir a ranter I thought he wis feckin spot on.
I was going to post a rant but you lot have my pizzly little rant wayyyyy outclassed.