Fenland Fugly saying hello

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Nov 27, 2014
Hi all,

Just a quick post to say "hi" and introduce myself as I am now an owner of a 2007 Gen2 Tuono. I haven't seen it yet as my good mate picked it up yesterday for me and it is nestling in his garage keeping warm but am going over tomorrow to say hello to it in person.

By way of a bit of background I have enjoyed a pretty varied biking life from a Honda SS50, RD250 (in the days when you could run a 250 on L-Plates) through to sports tourers (Ducati 906ie anyone?) sportbikes then onto nakeds with a Honda X-11 (very much under rated bike in my opinion, followed by a second one after an Audi killied the first one (and a friend of mine :unhappy ) So whilst not many people bought one X-11 I bought two of the things so what does that say about me??? Probably best not to answer that one! After a period with a 1050 speed triple I caught the Italian addiction with a 996 monster and a 998S. The monster didn't last long as I was just too big for it and it didn't handle that well, the 998 I still have, but after a nasty incident at Snetterton in August the 998 and my shoulder are both being restored, the 998 is going in the dining room thanks to my oh so understanding Wiffy and the shoulder WILL mend to pilot the Tuono.

I have bought the bike from HGMark on this forum and from the pics and what my friend has told me all looks great, I will change the side stand over winter and investigate the stator as I believe the one fitted is likely to be a 500W variant and if it's going to go pop will do so far from home so will adopt the preventative route. I have a list of the usual things to do that allows you to get acquainted with a new bike, especially an Italian one :nervous such as clean and coat all the connetors including a good check of the dreaded brown connector plus strip and lube all the suspension linkages.

Other than this I am looking forward to Spring and getting out on the beast, so anyone around the fens or if there are any group weekenders then let me know as an excuse to go for a run should never be overlooked.

Once I've got down to see the bike tomorrow (not to mention setup a photobucket account) I will get some pics up on Monday.

OK, enough of my prattling on, best get back to work.

Fugly (aka Phil)
Congratulations, sir, looking forward to seeing the pictures, but I'm sure not as much as you are looking forward to riding her.
hello fugly , welcome to the forum , nice intro .
I quite regularly pass thru fenland / p, boro area , going between north Norfolk and the midlands .mebbe see u about . !!
Cheers guys, I kinda got the impression a proper intro' was considered polite and mum dragged me up to be polite :T
Really looking forward to seeing her tomorrow, shoulder is improving so am really excited to find a nice day and go for a run. I am about 25 mins East of Peterborough
I have bought the bike from HGMark on this forum and from the pics and what my friend has told me all looks great, I will change the side stand over winter and investigate the stator as I believe the one fitted is likely to be a 500W variant and if it's going to go pop will do so far from home so will adopt the preventative route. I have a list of the usual things to do that allows you to get acquainted with a new bike, especially an Italian one :nervous such as clean and coat all the connetors including a good check of the dreaded brown connector plus strip and lube all the suspension linkages.

Hi and welcome to the forum.Great intro.:thumbup
Sounds like you have done your homework on the T.Interested in what you are going to do with the alternator,...are you replacing it with the later version or having the rotor skimmed?Also,the alternator is connected to the main loom via the brown connector,...so a 2 in 1 job there.Folks get really farty about "dreaded brown connector",...but there have only been a few cases of knackered,burnt out connectors on Gen2's.Bit of a bastard to get at too.If you dont need to disturb it,have a look at it,...smear some silicone grease in there and leave it alone.
As for the other connectors,...they are generally pretty good.Rule of thumb is,if it aint broke,dont fix it.
First job should be the suspension linkages.They have been known to be devoid of any lube from the factory.Fairly easy to do,...although the bottom bolt can be a sod to get out as it fouls the exhaust.
Another job to consider is replacing the standard coolant and oil hose clips for jublilee type.They can come loose and eventually leak.Rico has done an excellent 'how to' guide somewhere.
From your location,I see you are not a million miles away from me.Not much in the way of Aprilia runs/rides around here.Far more happening up north around the borders and Scotland.Keep an eye out on the forum for ride info,...or the 'other channel',...(tuonoworld.com - Index)
Dont expect to see too much of me riding about,...
a)I have some serious health issues,so my riding days are few and far between,and....
b)I'm a miserable c**t!:yes

Enjoy the T
Welcome mucker, always nice to see manners. :thumbup
good intro. There's a few good posts on this forum and the other one re: rear bearings, including the any spare bits IF required.

I don't know HGMark's bike? I've had my T for 3 years and 8k miles - no brown connector issues (brown trousers issues, that's another story :)

have fun :thumbup
Hi all,

OK so if I am doing this right here are some pics of my new toy.

Unfortunately the low but very bright sun really screwed with the camera on the phone but hopefully you will get the picture (no pun intended).

The previous owner (HGMark) really looked after it and it is in mint condition, he even polished the inside of the exhaust outlets!!!!

Roll on spring!

Fugly, if you are stripping the rear suspension - its worth checking your swing arm bearings as well.

Its a bit of a pain to get the bike off the floor, but mine was dry on the chain side.

Just hang it from the roof or get 2 pairs of step ladders & shove a pole through the pillion pegs - simples.
Thats almost Brooksy clean... :yes

Note to self...... go and clean your bike !
Greetings & welcome to the forum Phil.
Bike looks new and is a credit to its previous owner. Do you know if he did any of the items mentioned - greasing etc?
Hope the shoulder gets better quick & you can have a blast out on it.

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