dilemma? renegade or akrapovics

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Jul 5, 2007
went out today with smiffy and as people who know the bike it's quick!(no mille ive ridden with can live with it ask anyone who rides with me)
now then! with the akro's on very quiet lots of low down and mid range grunt but i'm wondering if these suffer or choke at the top end or is it smiffys has picked up on power due to the new can set up:dunno it still has the edge but not as clear cut as before as he will i'm sure agree! the renegades however sound to loud but awsome and seems to pull like a fooking train :devious
just curious how akro's being the world leader in cans can affect the bike or is it simply noise fooling me i'm not sure :confused
still undecided which to keep if the power difference hasn't changed the akro's it is if its killing the bike renegades it will be:dunno
any idea's or suggestions apart from a dyno(obvious)
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Listen mate put the renegades back on, your bike looks very 'normal' with the Akras!.....Performance wise I know how your bike runs & I'm quite surprised at your comments re Smiffy's bike, although haven't had the pleasure myself.....The white lightnin' usually takes all comers....so get it sorted & put the renegades back on..at the very least it'll look good!
Fueling might suit the Ren's and not the Acro's eh? Just my 10... sorry 8 pence worth... (global economic downturn)
Mate,both set-ups look great,its just how they work on your bike fella..:dunno
think the rene's really made yours stand out mate at the end of the day if you got em use em till you get bored and have a swap back. Do rate both sets tho! decisions decisions..........
oh if your gonna keep them on get some bling hangers for when the lads not on the back
I think The Renegades looked better, no, much better in your bike. I'd put them back.
thanks for the comments and advice normally i know what to do but this time i'm unsure (flick) you could have the answer there mate i thought that as the full shebang is a renegade race setup. don't get me wrong its still flying but without the extra zip to fook off into the distance while everybody is hitting their rev limiters:dunno but then commuting and all the trouble i have in london with the rozzers aswell:dunno
Of course you know what the answer is....... GET THE FKCU OUT Of LONDINIUM!
I like the look of both of them, but I think having the renegades made your bike even more unique than it already is, both in looks and sound.
I suppose it's down to what you prefer.
Aah the Bass player has spoken...I believe he must be listened to as he knows what he speaks of frequency-wise!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh i have no hair my son (millekid) says the look better in reality than the photo:dunno:dunnoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh
Listen...any aftermarket exhaust looks good on a Mille......just go for what tickles your tickly bits!
ive had a few different cans on my mille since owning her.

it had a art can on when i bought it,sounded ok. ran ok
then i bought a bewoulf can for it ,sounded ok. ran ok

i then borrowed my akra of my firestorm and ran that for a few miles,
didnt sound great!!! at all. ran ok.
stuck it back on the firestorm,sounded great!!

dont know why that was??

then a bought the renegade system ..wow!!!sounds the mutts nutts.and goes really well,with the renegade chip and the gabro chips.

got the giannelli slip on now ,sounds nice,dont know what it goes like yet,as my bike is on a sorn.

my point to all this is,it all depends on how you
a, like the looks of both systems,??
b,how do they sound??
c, how do they perform??

as all the above systems/cans on mine have been different in sounds/perfomance.

ive had a few different cans on my mille since owning her.

it had a art can on when i bought it,sounded ok. ran ok
then i bought a bewoulf can for it ,sounded ok. ran ok

i then borrowed my akra of my firestorm and ran that for a few miles,
didnt sound great!!! at all. ran ok.
stuck it back on the firestorm,sounded great!!

dont know why that was??

then a bought the renegade system ..wow!!!sounds the mutts nutts.and goes really well,with the renegade chip and the gabro chips.

got the giannelli slip on now ,sounds nice,dont know what it goes like yet,as my bike is on a sorn.

my point to all this is,it all depends on how you
a, like the looks of both systems,??
b,how do they sound??
c, how do they perform??

as all the above systems/cans on mine have been different in sounds/perfomance.

what made you get rid of yours patty?
still got them so far,

so to tell you the truth, i dont know.(im always buying and selling)
i cant of done more than 100 miles on them.

so they might just stay yet??

i like yours ,but ive not seen any other like mine(fully under the seat)
i know they will be out there somewhere.??
i like the fact that jorg(i think thats his name???,the renegade man)used these on the french elf racing team bikes,,made me want them even more.

still got them so far,

so to tell you the truth, i dont know.(im always buying and selling)
i cant of done more than 100 miles on them.

so they might just stay yet??

i like yours ,but ive not seen any other like mine(fully under the seat)
i know they will be out there somewhere.??
i like the fact that jorg(i think thats his name???,the renegade man)used these on the french elf racing team bikes,,made me want them even more.


yes mate it is jorge he set mine up and was upset with me because of the chip i had which they don't sell :doug ebay wonderful thing and a bit of luck
oh renegade chips rare as rocking horse s**t then???:doug

they have

two types ones they sell as do everybody else and their race ones they don't easieast way to know is they redline at 11500 and it makes alot of difference because the midrange changes and you get more of a top end rush:devious thats why i think these akra's cant handle this fuelling set up:dunno

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