Dead Dashboard!

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May 30, 2018
Hi all, just joined up to this site and looking forward to a load of useful information coming my way. Isn't education a wonderful thing, as my old dad used to say.

I do however have a problem of my own that I hope someone might be able to help with. I own a 2005 Tuono, which has had very little running - around 4000miles. I moved to France three years ago and shipped the bike out here with all my other belongings. I had it fully serviced and new tyres fitted before leaving Scotland. I rode it around a bit on UK plates, but haven't used it for the last two years, since I moved to a new house and started the process of registering it in France.

During this period it has been connected to a battery optimiser and checked regularly to see that all is well. Finally it made it through it's registration in France, so I brought it through to my main garage to clean, check and prepare it for the day the insurance is ready.... and now the damned thing won't start! When I turn the ignition key the dash is dead - no action. Like the battery is dead. I've checked the battery and the fuses, and all are okay. So too are all the obvious connectors. The Rev counter needle flickers when I tun of the ignition again, but that's as much life as the dash shows. I faffed about with some switches yesterday - you know that desperate notion that 'will power' will fix any problem. It didn't, but the side stand warning light did glow pathetically for a while.

Has anyone got any ideas about what might have gone wrong? Help - I want to use my bike again!!!
I dude sorry to hear of more electrical problems , there seems to be a rah of them at the mo !!

have you checked the block connectors that feed the clox , sounds like no power or low power at the clocks . check for corrosion etc

cant think of owt else really . it does sound like a continuity issue may be worth checking all connections with a multi meter .

good luck !!!
Sound to me like the battery has died

yep could be ,battery may have 6 good cells but no or low ampage po due to sulphating on continuous trickle charge and non use ,

I had a motobatt on my gs1000 that suffered the same fate ,
I’ve had batteries that the optimate said was “good to go” but had no power when put into action, new battery time I would think
Dead Dashboard

I've had batteries that the optimate said was "good to go" but had no power when put into action, new battery time I would think

Thanks for all the input. You were right, despite the chargers suggesting everything ok, hooked it up to a slave battery and everything lit up like a Christmas Tree. Need a new battery (a bit of a relief really!), oh, and a new charger!

Thanks again one and all.
The charger is probably ok, it’s how it measures the volt drop that says it’s good even though the battery has failed, on the new battery it’ll be ok
good cheapish result , moral of the story -- don't leave battery on trickle charger !!!!
Batteries are usually happier being discharged and then recharged, sort of keeps it in the mood and reminds it what it’s for

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