Continuing The Saga

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So many variables.

Good spark no start but some fuel for sure. :confused Could be loose or kinked fuel hose in or around tank.

Heard of a few that have partially popped off at the pump. You still get a bit of fuel but not enough for it to run.

i'm just throwing out the ideas of things you haven't covered.

There was guy on who myself and Griff spent ages posting to over a non starting rsv after a valve service. It misfires and popped but wouldn't run.
He even borrowed a mates ecu cos he was convinced it was the problem. Turned out to be a crushed fuel line.
Sometimes you don't see the wood for the trees.
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Have you checked your cables and pipes for kinks/crushes? You breather pipe from the air box base is clear isnt it. Its bugging me that you have removed the air box and now it wont start. Maybe its a red herring but stiull worth checking.

Ill throw this one out to those who know beter than me.........if the chip has worked loose in the ecu could it cause this problem.
If the chip is completely out it won't do anything or prime the fuel pump but it may be possibly partially unseated i guess.

I still think it's something inocuous and i'm still not ruling outthe poss of amb batt instantly starting it.
Spoonz if you are right and it does start 1st time, I'll have your babies !!, alternatively when I am passing through to Truro I'll pop in and buy you a beer :)
Babies i can do without however attractive a proposition having your babies might be.

Just a post to say YES IT STARTED will be payment enough. No pressure on Amb though. :devious
The wife says Amb aint leaving till it works..................she's 5'4 of pure fury and a left hook to make Hatton look like a mere amatuer !!!
As for me not having your babies dissapointed :-(

Babies i can do without however attractive a proposition having your babies might be.

Just a post to say YES IT STARTED will be payment enough. No pressure on Amb though. :devious
Anyone near you got a batt you can borrow? I know BarryRS off this site was having probs so I let him take my battery off for a couple of days. It started his bike fine so we got it sorted.
Amb is bringing half his bike, most of his tools, a voodoo doll, rabbits foot and a whole hoop of good luck !!!!:)
My other option is to kidnap Spoonz and the threat is to lock him up with my kids .........
My mille threw flames and all kinds of ***** out when I got stranded with a flat battery. The only way it would turn over was with good connections to the battery from the jump leads and the car reving its nuts off.
I didn't use the fast idle just a quick hand on the throttle.
fuel pipes kinked when opened up the airbox ????

You have to lift the tank which can easily pinch the fuel line near the hinge at the back.

I am in Sussex this weekend so not a million miles away. Stranger things have happened Kiwi. See how Amb gets on.

I'm confident your wife's snarling Knashers and his batt and rabbits foot will sort it. If you had those micky mouse jump leads from Halfors when it was slaved from the car then that might explain it not starting then. They are too thin to pass much in the way of amps. I once offered my car to jump from to a stranded lady who had those leads and they promptly melted in front of our eyes.
I know what you mean about the jump leads mine are way too thin and got very hot and rather flexiable the other day when I tried !!!. I shall be obtaining some slightly more robust ones ASAP. (Theres a Nuc Power station up the road they might have summat I can use )
For jump leads you need Durite 0-204-00, pricey at about £25+vat but will jump start a tank and last forever
Well there nothing wrong with the fuel tank , fuel pump or fuel lines, plugs are okay too, ECU is fine as is the battery, Oil needs a change, some rusty old bolts need replacing, fast idle works as designed...........
But the sprag aint none too clever (Havnt been able to check 100% for what's exactly wrong as I cant get the flywheel off at present)

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