Clutch problem?

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Sep 28, 2008
Lawrenceville, GA
So I have had my '07 T for a little over a week, and since the first time I rode the bike I have noticed a problem with the clutch. About halfway into the friction zone I notice a sort of grinding as the rear wheel catches. Is this normal?

I just noticed this in first none of the other gears do it. I am taking the bike in to the shop this weekend for a couple of recalls and am going to ask them to look at it.

Figured I would give an update. Turns out the bike just wasn't tuned up properly with all the mods done to it before I bought it. The tech at my dealer ran it on the dyno and plugged up all the open vacuum lines and fixed all the crimped lines. Changed the plugs and air filter; now it runs like a champ no more weird clutch problems and as an added bonus I have 3 more horse power.
Nice outcome worth the effort and peace of mind not to mention power gains.... gold gold gold

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