Christmas meal and ride out

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Don't know now,will be workin late,see what i can do.If i can't go,while you boyz are down in brighton,will pop around & sort all your better halves out.:devious:devious.Then IF iv'e got time,will meet you there,but don't count on it..:doug:doug
What the fock are you talking about you cant make it :jack
:confused You finish work buy 0900 most focking days, get your self sorted out stop filling your face and get your arse down there or to mine and i give you a lift :jack
What the fock are you talking about you cant make it :jack
:confused You finish work buy 0900 most focking days, get your self sorted out stop filling your face and get your arse down there or to mine and i give you a lift :jack
Greeting mr CLINT,how f**kin dare you say that.08.30 actually,of course i'm there,you knob,luv ya like a brv..:doug
Greeting mr CLINT,how f**kin dare you say that.08.30 actually,of course i'm there,you knob,luv ya like a brv..:doug

10/10 there you had me you ****.What would i do if i couldnt give you stick all night.:inlove maybe its vickys turn :thumbup

If only for some banter:pirate

If only for some banter:pirate

Bit short notice!!!!! the post has been on here from the 30/11/08......If I start sorting out next years meet on Jan the 1st will that be enough time for you?
Well last night Hooked, rs3mille, mille kid, bad-boy, super T and Smiffy all met up, for the Christmas ride out and meal. Brilliant night out had by all ! Banter was hard core, fast and side splitting. As it was just the above names that confirmed they would come out, we arranged to meet up locally to bad boy in Gillingham, we ended up eating in an American Diner, with DJ (what a knob...looked like a lorry driver, or a member of staffs dad), there was **** loads of birds on their firms Christmas meals. (eye candy was in some cases to die for). I had a brilliant seat with great view, rs3 mille will have woken up with a bad neck this morning !
For those of you that didn't attend I can only advise you that you missed a very very funny night.
Well last night Hooked, rs3mille, mille kid, bad-boy, super T and Smiffy all met up, for the Christmas ride out and meal. Brilliant night out had by all ! Banter was hard core, fast and side splitting. As it was just the above names that confirmed they would come out, we arranged to meet up locally to bad boy in Gillingham, we ended up eating in an American Diner, with DJ (what a knob...looked like a lorry driver, or a member of staffs dad), there was **** loads of birds on their firms Christmas meals. (eye candy was in some cases to die for). I had a brilliant seat with great view, rs3 mille will have woken up with a bad neck this morning !
For those of you that didn't attend I can only advise you that you missed a very very funny night.
Fella,a f**kin good,funny night,was a giggle,also thanks to smiffy for drivin us of all(latte on me next time fella,with pepper ok)..:nana:thumbup
cheers smiffy for being the taxi for the night:thumbup
brilliant night and yes i picked the wrong side of the table yet again!
full of full on banter and laughed all night
well i have to say this because i'm begining to think people think us lot have been friends for years and don't fancy coming to rideouts or nights like these and it is a shame as there are so many people close in this area and i'm sure if they have a sense of humour they would love it:thumbup
badboy,hooked,super t and smiffy. i have all met through this forum and are top blokes mabye people are shy:jack:dunno
anyway not saying anymore might get hatemail:lol
cheers guy's superb!
p.s did super t find his surf board in the end or was it his rucksack:dunno
Would have come along too except SHE was at her work Xmas Doo last nite:roll

Glad you had a good night fellas.

Next time...:eatcorn
Hey Chris, i live just a little north of norwich itself, shame the weather is so bad riding is not really enjoyable this time of year maybe we should organise a track day at snetterton this summer and see how many zoners we can get down to norfolk? i'd have to pass on the bacon sarnie tho, im a vegetablarian :thumbup

Hi Wolf,

Sorry for the late reply been working away in Holland for the past week, a vegetablarian well being called Wolf I would never have thought that !:dunno

Anyway bike offroad at mo but hoping to sort it over Xmas break so will give you a shout in the new year and perhaps Stephanie can fry up some Linda McCartney Veggie Sausages. Will sort something out.

Regards Snetterton did a trackday on the Mille in the summer Fcuking great:thumbup as regards getting some zoners there I wouldn't hold your breath the southerns don't like going north the northerns don't like going south and the midland boys think you need a passport to cross the Norfuck border:biggrin

cheers smiffy for being the taxi for the night:thumbup
brilliant night and yes i picked the wrong side of the table yet again!
full of full on banter and laughed all night
well i have to say this because i'm begining to think people think us lot have been friends for years and don't fancy coming to rideouts or nights like these and it is a shame as there are so many people close in this area and i'm sure if they have a sense of humour they would love it:thumbup
badboy,hooked,super t and smiffy. i have all met through this forum and are top blokes mabye people are shy:jack:dunno
anyway not saying anymore might get hatemail:lol
cheers guy's superb!
p.s did super t find his surf board in the end or was it his rucksack:dunno

Was a good night out last night Lads just a few things id like to add or point out :)
1stly im not a Surfer
2ndly I dont use mint breath spray
3rdly i only clean pools when theres somthing in it for me

Anyhow a Big thank you to Smiffy who drove us all round kent last night :) :)
i didnt even realise until yesterday he had an RSV Mille now so i guess thats ok before i always thought he was my grandad on a triumph respect :doug

Nice to bump into Spanner , Hooked , Smiffy & Badboy again and to get away lightly with the abuse compared to others

Still i havnt laughed so much in ages Badboy needs to SALT another meet up soon.

Oh yeah and back to Rs3 milles point we all met on the forum well except for me i was terrorised on the A2 by Badboy to join however i hope more of you guys will pop along to our meets in the new year make it your resolutions :)

Oh yeah and we need more TUONOS on rideouts :| (and no i cant be asked to post in the Tuono forum)

Laters Dan :inlove
Christmas 2008 Kent boys on tour

Oh what a night,it was indeed a memorable evening of full on piss taking laughing and joking about.And that's the correct ingredients for a great Christmas party.:inlove

Now I'm sure that there are some guys that live close buy and were thinking about coming,as had already been said next year don't think about it do it your be giving Bad Boy a break( mind you here be getting his on Sunday ):devious

Darren ,your the man thanks for the driving mate you truly are a gent,even if you have a curious taste in clothing (PVC jackets and dot-dot shirts very 70s your showing your age squire.:thumbup

Kev,things now really would not be the same with out you, more and more ammunition each time.Love ya like a bruf Mick :nana

Spanner. Well in contrast to Darren who is firmly stuck in the 70s. Vicky bulge is bang up to date Fock me the fella is a walking mail fashion icon bench model i recon.( Gravy on chips Northern monkey ) :biggrin

Super T , You've got a nerve Fock me its freezing bloody cold and the Lad turns up in Focking shorts,shorts ya retard & dan as for Oh yeah and we need more TUONOS on ride outs we Don'T alright !!We have enough strait-line riders.And i think you've already seasoned kev up good a proper. :pirate

:inlove click the link it says it all :inlove

( this is for the boys who braved the 2008 xmas do )

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