What a night for a ride out to the coast.

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Friday Night ride out.....what a load of pants.
Well we started out on a cold night, thought that if we put our cold-killers on we would be ok.......how wrong were we!
As I pulled into the famous Scotish Restaurant (Mc Donalds) in Otford to meet up with Bad Boy, I wiped the visor clear of Hail Stones and snow and it was all frozen on! **** it was cold, it was wet and lonley, just Kev and I turned up. To all those that never turned up .....good on ya. You done the right thing by staying in in the warm, you wont have to wash salt and **** of your bikes in the morning....poor old bad boy looked like he took his RSV across a field...mud all over it, check out the photo below.....it was that cold his head snapped off

Spanner / Craig: you done the right thing you big poofs!:bigfinger
when i set off it was bone dry a little cold but hey !
made it onto the a2 near falconwood to be hit by a hail storm fook me that wasn't funny still couldn't let that porsche overtake me though the chimp:jack
got onto the m25 and well the heavens opened aswell then so cold damp decided to take the brands turning and go home with tale between the legs
who's idea was it anywaykev:dowhat
Friday Night ride out.....what a load of pants.
Well we started out on a cold night, thought that if we put our cold-killers on we would be ok.......how wrong were we!
As I pulled into the famous Scotish Restaurant (Mc Donalds) in Otford to meet up with Bad Boy, I wiped the visor clear of Hail Stones and snow and it was all frozen on! **** it was cold, it was wet and lonley, just Kev and I turned up. To all those that never turned up .....good on ya. You done the right thing by staying in in the warm, you wont have to wash salt and **** of your bikes in the morning....poor old bad boy looked like he took his RSV across a field...mud all over it, check out the photo below.....it was that cold his head snapped off

Spanner / Craig: you done the right thing you big poofs!:bigfinger

:jack:jack CHIMPS ON A FRIDAY NIGHT RIDE OUT :jack:jack

Kin brilliant,,,,,,,,,it looks like kev with his face against a mirror!!! Nice to know you keep photos of your family Craig, and its nice that you would share them with the forum too.

Kin brilliant,,,,,,,,,it looks like kev with his face against a mirror!!! Nice to know you keep photos of your family Craig, and its nice that you would share them with the forum too.

I share everything with your Mrs Darren :inlove . Might aswell share a happy snap of you a Kev at Mcdonalds earlier this evening ,doing a spot of male bonding in the snow :thumbup:thumbup


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