Blown the electrics trying to cold start, can't find the fault.

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Aug 13, 2011
Hi all, here for a bit of technical advice.

I've got an '01 RSVR, and it's always been a bit of a pain to start in cold weather. I uprated the battery and thought I'd got my starting technique pretty well down.

Anyhow, this morning I turned it on, all lit up fine, it was a bit sheepish on the started button so I gave it a little bit of throttle (choke was on) which turned it over, it then backfired twice and suddenly no electrics. At all, no dash, or even a click when the key turns.

My first thought was to check the fuses by the clocks but they're all fine. I don't know what else would go like that and kill all the electrics. Can anyone give me some places to look into?

Also, I know big twins are never going to be that happy cold starting, but this one really does seem a nightmare, even with a stronger fully charged battery. I'm assuming there's some deeper problem in the set-up somewhere but I'm not really sure what that would be, the bike runs beautifully once it's come to life.

Anyhows, at the moment it's sat in the garage dead as a dodo. Hope someone has some ideas.
On the Falco you update the starter to a 150 and it helps also if you have a cold ingested garage an old piece of carpet to stop the cold damp may help. As to the actual problem I would be surprised, not that I know a lot ;) if you had blown the whole thing more likely one part of the circuit maybe but not the whole thing. As an aside I am fairly sure you should avoid too much if any throttle on startup
Good luck getting it sorted
hhhhhhhmmmm firstly matey if the bike labours in any way when strating you stop immidiately as that backfire could well have stuffed your sprag clutch!
The mods you need to do to make the beasty an easier starter is:
  • Battery - YTX14-BS
  • Starter Solonoid - Uprated Aprilia Item (150amp) -> standard was 50amp
  • Set of earth straps from forum member kilaprilla on griff site

and always be sure the battery is fully topped up.

now to your prob, take the battery off and put a multimeter on it and check its not shorted the thing out ( I washed the bike one time and that shorted the battery out when I tried to strat it). If that ok then start to check your electricle connections for burnt or dodgy wires.
Cheers for the replies. As mentioned the battery has been upgraded to the 14-BS already, and I'm pretty sure the previous owner upgraded the starter solonoid (and in fact gave me a spare as well?)

What are the earth straps and what function do they do?

Hmm, so just start checking the circuitry and looms for something that looks buggered then basically?
There are a couple of fuses related to the starter under the seat. Might be worth checking :dunno
Its the 30A main fuse from the battery to the ignition.
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Good stuff. It just seems likely to be a fuse the way it went. As in no issues at all, starting it up and 'click' - nothing. Tomorrow's riding time shall be spent investigating that then. The roads are to damn to enjoy it out there anyway :(
Just as an aside, to help the mechanically illiterate. I often hear mention of the sprag clutches failing due to harsh starting procedures or whatnot, but I'm not quite sure of the specific function of the sprag clutch. And what would symptoms be of it failing/having failed. Seems like something I should know when owning one of these :)
A very simple explination.

The sprag is a bearing that only turns in one direction which stops the engine turning backwards and causing damage.
You will know when its gone because on starting you hear a clattering metalic noise that will send a shudder down your spine!
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Just for the record, and with thanks for all your help, I went round, found the fuses under the seat, all fine, gave the battery a prod. Connection screw had wobbled loose. doh...
Tried starting mine and struggled then died. Put my battery tester on terminals and totally blank. Plugged in optimate and no light on. Argh!! Where to start? I'll buy a new battery but have I killed anything else? Checked fuses and they look okay.
Also. Was absolulety perfect yesterday for mot. Instant start and was a bit nippy yesterday too.

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