blowing fuses 2007 help

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Mar 28, 2009
first blew a 15amp fuse and bike would not run or crank without that fuse. replaced it and rode home 2 miles. took for a ride and about 8 miles in the 15amp fuse blew again (brought extra fuses with me) popped in new fuse and started it and then I blew out a main fuse 30amp. had one extra 30 amp, put in and tried to start and blew again. its the 30amp fuse with the red/black wire coming out thats blowing the other 30amp with white/red wire is fine. anyone where I should start looking??? the 15amp that blows the manual says its for, fuel pump, speed sensor, relay, starter, o2 sensor
I should add after bike cools or sits like 20 minutes and you put new fuse in the bike works fine again for a bit until it decides to start blowing fuses again. I don't know for sure how long after they last because my wife is refusing to drive my truck to find me on the side of the road and bring the bike home. could fuel pump be going out????
sounds like an electro/heat related issue !! id start by checking all wiring around the engine for poor insulation , some of the wiring harness is very tightly shoehorned in around the top of the engine .good luck and let us all know the outcome !!!!
well got home today, started bike. starts right up i let it run for 5 minutes then I started revving it up to like 7 to 9000rpms and then it like cut out a tiny bit and I kept revving and then the 15amp fuse popped again. I replaced it and went to start it back up and pop there went the 30 amp fuse. I put in a new fuse and turned key on and popped 30 amp again. Now if I let the bike sit for like 20 minutes it willl start and run fine for a bit until you start revving it up or get on it hard and then same thing will happen. I looked at wires under tank, around entire engine and everywhere I see wires and all looks ok. To me it's a part failing and when the part is getting hot it's either getting to hot or drawing to many amps causing fuses to pop. going by what the 15amp controls and being that it happens when hot and revving I am thinking the fuel pump going out. but if anyone knows anything that would be a big help
have you checked the diagnostics on the dash for any fault codes stored ?

think it was that fuse that popped on mine a few years back - (mine turned out to be the lead to the o2 sensor had a break in it)
no codes that i can see. I don't have the code for the bike to see the fault codes and don't see any codes on the dash... well i unplugged the fuel pump and popped in a new 15amp fuse turned the key to run and fuse popped. guess my problem is not with the fuel pump. I found 2 relays on the left side rear tail section and I swapped them around and turned the key on and started it and ran. I let run a good 10 minutes revving the hell out of it and no fuses popped yet. does anybody know what these 2 relays do??? they say LI L5A on them and have 4 pins. I want to take it for a good ride but scared ill break down again. relays usually never go bad and i don't even know what these relays control. any help great
Using the mode button on the left handlebar enter code 13432
This will allow you to view fault codes...
no codes. I don't know if its because I removed the relays because that reset the trip odometer and clock and that so not sure if it had any codes but i did run it and rev it hard for like 8 to 10 minutes after it did run again and did not get any codes for that time
Unfortunately not all faults produce a code.... codes once "highlighted" remain stored until cleared down through the diagnostic routine...
ok, well switched the 2 relays at left rear of motorcycle both say LI L5A and bike didn't blow a fuse yet only rode for 3 miles but now my speed odometer always reads zero. I am hoping that the relay is bad and going to buy a new relay in like a hour to see if that makes speedo work again. If it does I guess it was a bad relay. I will post either way.
well speed odometer working and bike still running. need to take for a real ride tomorrow to see if all ok or still blowing fuses

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