Bike dumping oil from unknown!?!?

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so far so good. no oil under the bike this morning nor at lunchtime.
My Brother in law borrowed the bike on Saturday. then the oil started to leak on Monday evening. Im wondering if hes been wheeliing the bike a bit and thats sent the oil to the airbox. I did reset my max clocks (he does not know about :lol) 143 tut tut tut.

Knowing how he rides and after reading about dukes doing the same even more so after a lot of wheelies if the oil is just above halfway.

Going to strip the bike down on Saturday and clean the engine etc all up and check every little area for leaks. Might even do an oil change :lol
doin big wheelies will put oil in the airbox, sounds like the cause to me, give yer bro a good:whipping
All honme safe. no more oil and no wheelies :)
Can't wait to see my Bro inlaw :lol:lol:lol
scrap my last comments. bloody oil under the bike. sons birthday tomorrow so taking half day wo will take the wifes car to work and rip the crappy plastic stuff off the junking bike and check again. looks like the bikes heading for ebay!!!!!!!
Oil in the airbox isn't a major problem just means its been over filled with oil, its easy to get the level wrong if the previous owner doesn't know the correct filling and checking procedure. Try not to get to mad and just strip it down and locate the leak and post some pics. I'm sure we can help you sort it.
Garvey sir, I had a very similar problem for a while with my 2000R. It turned out to be a hair line split along the raised press of the oil tank. To check, undo the mounting bolts on the oil tank and swing it out as far as you can. Then take a cloth and give it a good clean, especially along the pressed edges. After this, go and make yourself a cuppa and entertain yourself for half an hour or so and then go back and take a look to see if any traces of oil have appeared. On mine for example, at first glance you couldn't see where the oil was coming from even when trying to trace it's journey back along the oil tank. Eventually it took sitting there and watching, and lo and behold eventually a tiny amount of oil began to appear along the pressed edge. It turned out that there was the smallest of hairline cracks, barely visible, that was allowing oil to slowly slowly seep out.

As a note, you'd never see any evidence of oil leaking onto the floor after a ride, or even an hour after a ride, but come the morning, there would be the blessed little pool of oil, normally no more than an inch or two square that had dripped down from the bellypan cut outs. I spent a long old time pondering over it, replacing clamps and the likes until finally finding the problem with the tank. I also know of one which again had a tiny split on the lower right rear mounting.

Worth a check :thumbup

p.s. if it is this, chemical metal works wonders whilst you are waiting for a cheap one to come up on ebay ;)
Or, have you got a spreader washer on the sump plug?

I only ask cos mine used to weap a tiny amount of oil after I had ridden it - it's not menat to have a spreader washer, and the "spacer" was letting oil come down the thread, and into the bellypan, and onto the floor. :confused
OK heres the update :)

Stripped it all down and cleaned it all. Had a look at the bellypan to see where the oil is landing. its on the right. couldnt see any signs of it it dripping.
Started the bike up and let it run for about 15 minutes. then I found it. Think its the oil pressure sensor. drip drip drip. here it comes.

Now I need to get one and guess as its a sensor and aprilia I will have to re-mortgage.

Don't know what im going to do in the meantime as still need transport tomorrow and monday etc. oh well best phone about

Cheers for all you help guys. aleast the airbox got a good clean out :)
think its part AP0956169. am i right? cheaper than I thought. might het the 40 jet too :)
well been phoneing about and checked with a couple of dealers and been told its a part that needs to be ordered in. Been told to expect delivery around 2 weeks.
2 bloody weeks for a bloody bolt :lol sorry if I didnt laugh I would cry :lol

I just know someone on here knows a good place I can get one quick from.

I can't find any reference to a Vauxhall one fitting. shame as I rekon I would be able to get one tomorrow.

Well you could remove yours and take it to a car parts supplier. I am sure they will have a compatable part. Failing that, I can lend you one until a replacement arrives. Are you using your bike regularly enough that you cannot wait for the part from dealers?
Hi Yes I use the bike everyday except saturdays/sundays. The oil only started to drip down out fo the bellypan by the time I get home from work then Its afull oil check and clean up :) I know I shouldn't but its either that or £30 a day taxi or 3 hour bus trip to work.

Spoonz has SAVED my bacon. he has a spare and is posting out to me. Thanks Spoonz. You didnt say what size coffee or dounut you wanted :)

Thanks again for all your help on here. once again this forum is tops.

Check your oil prssure switch. They can 'blow' and let oil through (and still 'switch' if you know what I mean).

I don't like to say I told you so but....

As Max says, it's an easy swap and you won't loose a lot of oil if you're quick. The Vauxhall part fits most Ducatis, but not RSVs as far as I know.

Glad you got sorted
Well its fitted and guess what?!?!?! yep no oil leak :)

Thanks spoonz for the part and thats you guys for the advise. top guys

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