Been running like a dream - Now she wont start !!!

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Good luck with a fresh start (excuse the pun!)
Is it possible that the deposits on the electrode could be metallic minerals from condensed water (from sitting in a damp garage) that have magnetised to the electrode? My theory but aimed at the genuinely knowledgeable mechanics here................................
You still don't say where you are? Is it shyness or a fear that one of us will pop round and see your crunchie in the tank fetish ;)
On a closer look at the pic of your plug it does indeed look like rust. There shouldn't be bits that size flying around. Before you do much it would be worth draining and straining/inspecting the oil for any bits. If there are some the next problem is tracing where they came from.
Hopefully my previous theory is correct!!!!
UPDATE: So today the cleaned up plugs have gone back in. Tried to start her and she almost started then just flooded out !!! Took the plugs out again dried them out put them back in (warmed up with a hairdryer) and tried a start with no fast idle or throttle and still wouldnt start. Then tried an open throttle start with no fast idle and just got a huge bang !!!!!!! **** myself so wont be doing that again !!!
UPDATE: So today the cleaned up plugs have gone back in. Tried to start her and she almost started then just flooded out !!! Took the plugs out again dried them out put them back in (warmed up with a hairdryer) and tried a start with no fast idle or throttle and still wouldnt start. Then tried an open throttle start with no fast idle and just got a huge bang !!!!!!! **** myself so wont be doing that again !!!
BREAKING NEWS: she starts she starts she starts. Took the plugs out let her dry out. Put them back in and had NO fast idle with just abit of throttle............ one BIG BANG and she then starts !!!!! 10 minutes later and still ticking over nice !!!

While im giving her a good going over while its winter what other "mods" are the must do mods. Ive been reading about the brown & white plug mods that i think are next on my "to do" list..............................
Congratulations, I have had a massive back fire like that before whilst in my garage with another bike and it made me jump out of my skin and whacked my head on the garage door lol!
You still don't say where you are? Is it shyness or a fear that one of us will pop round and see your crunchie in the tank fetish ;)

If you saw the state of my garage you would know why !!!!! Its a right mess,,,,,, ha ha Seriously though im in Nottingham !!!
All seems to be ok now !!! Just going to crack on with the next few winter mods. Brown and white connector next !!!
This is what she looks like when she is in piece...............

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="P1050160"/></a>
sorry here ..........

Very the paintwork. Is she an 02 or 03?
Well worth fighting to get her out for an adoring public to see :thumbup
Backfires do indeed make you jump but at least prove that fuel is getting through OK!
I had a blade that used to pop and backfire big time when closing the throttle, it sounded awesome. Also my SP1 used to do the same but only at low revs so was never quite as noticeable (the blade used to do it 10-6k).
Glad you're running anyway. Give it a while and a few trips and check the plugs again, this will tell you if the use is enough to combat the condensation. I'd plug the holes in the garage though or the pegs and levers will soon end up furry.
Very the paintwork. Is she an 02 or 03?
Well worth fighting to get her out for an adoring public to see :thumbup
Backfires do indeed make you jump but at least prove that fuel is getting through OK!
I had a blade that used to pop and backfire big time when closing the throttle, it sounded awesome. Also my SP1 used to do the same but only at low revs so was never quite as noticeable (the blade used to do it 10-6k).
Glad you're running anyway. Give it a while and a few trips and check the plugs again, this will tell you if the use is enough to combat the condensation. I'd plug the holes in the garage though or the pegs and levers will soon end up furry.

Mate its on an 04 plate but its an 02/03 model. I sold an SP2 and brought the RSV. Needless to say i never had to do a thing to the SP2 but you certainly get to know your bike better with and RSV !!!!! Wont be on the road till we get some better weather but im going to keep giving her a good going over so she is spot on for the summer :)
Mate its on an 04 plate but its an 02/03 model. I sold an SP2 and brought the RSV. Needless to say i never had to do a thing to the SP2 but you certainly get to know your bike better with and RSV !!!!! Wont be on the road till we get some better weather but im going to keep giving her a good going over so she is spot on for the summer :)

Mine is an 04 plate but an 03 model. The 02 and 03 models are different so I'm guessing yours is on 03 model like mine seeing as it's 04 plated.
I totally agree about your SP2...................I rebuilt my SP1 (check the pic of it under my posts on here somewhere, it really was a beauty :eek:) from a bad state then never needed to do a thing to it in some very hard miles :biggrin The most bulletproof bikes ever (for a highly stressed sports bike). I've never had so much as a hiccough from the Mille but stripped, inspected, serviced and cleaned everything when I got it as I do all my bikes. I like to know the ins and outs before anything goes wrong (and have too much time on my hands) so I strip every bike I get and start from scratch, it sure helps you learn a bike!
Very glad she's running again though :thumbup
Just seen it ............... looks like a very clean SP1 !!!!

It was a bit pampered.:devious I wish I'd kept it!...........but saying that, I sold a Honda NS400R three years ago and they are now going for £5-10k!!!!!!!!! a bike to me is about the bike not the investment.
Have you ridden your Mille enough to compare it to your SP2 yet?
I find mine down on handling, power and overall quality (before I lived in Italy, I used to think 'Italian' meant NO..............looks only I'm afraid!) but maybe I'm spoilt as the Mille was a road bike sent to the race track like all others where as the SP1/2 were pure racers with indicators added for the road.
Who knows, I like my Mille anyway :biggrin
p.s. (probably opened a big can of worms here................bacchus was my guide your honour!)

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