Badger air box mod

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Nov 23, 2008
Now i have all the time in the world due to no job,thanks nsk and happy xmas to you:jack.I am going to do the badger airbox,went to halfords to get a camping mat and they dont do them at mine,wrong time of year.
Can anyone point me to what thickness foam i need,and how high the build up on top of k+n needs to be and where i might get the best foam from.
Looking at the photos think you just coat the outside of air box with 2 layers foam and good dose of gay lube.:biggrin
Hi mate, have a look through this thread Badger box the foam i used was about 10mm thick (x2 layers) and sticky backed so I didn't have to glue to the original airbox. Badger used foam 6-7mm thick. It was a bit tight lowering the tank with the foam thickness i used but once the edges were trimmed ( read bevelled) and vaseline applied it was ok. Dead easy to make :thumbup

Two layers on top of the original filter, not sure if the K&N is the same hieght :dunno but start with one layer and put a smear of grease on and lower the tank then you can see if it's touched the top of the tank underside..add another piece if not :thumbup
I used Foam pipe lagging for water pipes. Just slot it on top of the bottom part of the air box, cut the length to suit, remove and silicone back on. I used 1 layer of 10mm foam on top of the K&N. Smear vasaline on after, lower tank, screw down, then undo and make sure its seating all round.
I used Foam pipe lagging for water pipes. Just slot it on top of the bottom part of the air box, cut the length to suit, remove and silicone back on. I used 1 layer of 10mm foam on top of the K&N. Smear vasaline on after, lower tank, screw down, then undo and make sure its seating all round.
:thumbupn Did you not glue the foam on air box then,good idea never thought of pipe lagging.
Hi mate, have a look through this thread Badger box the foam i used was about 10mm thick (x2 layers) and sticky backed so I didn't have to glue to the original airbox. Badger used foam 6-7mm thick. It was a bit tight lowering the tank with the foam thickness i used but once the edges were trimmed ( read bevelled) and vaseline applied it was ok. Dead easy to make :thumbup

Two layers on top of the original filter, not sure if the K&N is the same hieght :dunno but start with one layer and put a smear of grease on and lower the tank then you can see if it's touched the top of the tank underside..add another piece if not :thumbup
Where did you get sticky backed foam from, been looking no joy.Do you no if it will upset the running once done.I have performance chip, no idea what it is no nomber or markings on it, and blueflame can.:biggrin
Would this work on 04+ rsv`s? I wanted to get a hooked airbox, but her indoors is moaning because i just bought the bike and want to spend even more on it.

I want thinking of getting a pipercross filter and then making a seal with foam and using a zip-tie to hold the airbox oil breather thingy in.
it worked fine on my 05 airbox
i used foam tape from very friendly people and decent price to
easy enough to peel off if needs be, and i made mine so can put the top back on the airbox if i want to without having destroy the foam seal
did you notice much difference after doing it on your 05? is it worth while doing.?

ahahah oh YES my friend :devious once you do it and hear the intake roar you will wonder how you put up with the quietness before :biggrin
Damn you Wolf!! looks like i`ve got even more to do this weekend.

It`s my son`s 4th b/day, my grandparents 50th, and a guy is coming over from holland with a truck to buy up loads of bikes and wants my Big bored ducati 748.

And somehow `i must ` fit this mod in somewhere.:devious
And somehow `i must ` fit this mod in somewhere.:devious

lucky for you it takes hardly any time to do :thumbup

i ended up remaking mine and where the first attempt to 45 minutes or so i had the second improved design sorted and back on the bike in under 30

but that was with me knowing all the wires and crap to unplug and pull the whole airbox out (tedious but not a hard job)

just dont forget to give the underside of the tank a good cleaning or all the crud on there will get sucked right into the engine
cunning tip : the blue filter from a dyson is a perfect fit for K&N air filter with hole in top. They are about £1 from ebay, looks a proper job!
i used foam tape which is stickyback and easy to cut to shape as needed, then i smothered the whole thing in k&n air filter sealing grease which i happened to get with my new filter although i doubt it was needed; the better sealed the better it runs, i retained the bottom half of the airbox (including the oil breathing part)

and i presume the dyson filter is to do with pre 04 bikes??
i would guess not more than a few hp, im sure some members have airbox mods and got dyno runs done showing gains? anyone?
It will give you a few HP, add a PC and good exhaust and change the gearing and peer at the sky for hours on end:thumbup

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