Bad advice and stupid comments.

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behave yourself, at the end of the day a bike was sold with a fault. your not telling me the original owner didnt know about it.
YES I AM (typed slow so you can understand) I suggest you ask Kibb DJ about his test ride... And given present form and reaction to your comments I also suggest YOU Behave Yourself :confused
you mean the test ride home when the problem started just after he bought it, when he could give it some revs.
So you have asked him then???
What is your problem?
I empathise if you had bought a 'lemon' at some point But Morepoints Really didnt sell one! The bike was mint! It is however a machine... they go wrong from time to time, Sometimes at the worst possible point! But I guess you have some sort of sixth sence that enables you to cast judgement on someone with NO evidance of wrong doing... Even from the Guy who bought the bike! Who has even admitted that once he followed morepoints advice the problem was solved!? So come on whats really your problem?
no problems at all me, all is well thank you for asking, i suppose your just sticking up for your best friend witch i can understand. we all have our opinions on things, but i dont think things are as straight forward as you are making out. morepoints withdrew himself from this forum rather quickley and said he would not be in contact with kibb ever again i wonder why :eatcorn
Fair enough your right everyone is entital to there opinion however opionions are usually based on information or expirence, yours seemed to be based on? I have no idea?

I digress, Why would he be in contact with Kibb again? Kibb didnt do as morepoints asked when he was trying his best to help him, it is evidant that when he finally did what he was told the problem went away. I sure anyone of us can understand how frustrating it must be trying to help someone when they ignor what you tell them.
Let me assure you it is as straight forward as that, I'm not making it out to be anything other than fact.

Now take this however you like, but i mean this as genuine advise.

Please only offer constructive advise and helpful comments in future. I don't know for sure but think you realise that you have not been helpful throughtout this process to anyone... not really what this forum is about, Fu#k not what being a biker is about! we're all out there dodging cage drivers! how about a little unity?! and maybe a little trust for your fellow members or now ex members???

How would you feel if somone wished on YOU to buy a 'lemon' eh? not nice is it?
ok maybee i was a little harsh, i will take on board your comments, after all we are all bikers, if morepoints didnt know about the problem then im in the wrong if he did them im not. i havnt bought a lemon as i took a mechanic to look at the bike, but the guy who bought it before me spent £1,000 on the bike new stator, ect, ect, as he was ripped of by the previous owner.
Fair enough, I guess those are the joys of owning a Aprilia... Fab bike, but not japanese! these things do just happen, anyway happy riding be safe and grind ur sliders to dust!
This is just a general observation but to me it seems the forum is getting a slagging over this as if we have a corporate forum problem.

Not everyone on a forum of any subject is gonna see eye to eye all the time. We can argue the rights or wrongs of it all but we have a report system on every post so that should someone feel they are being offended or something is just out of order then we will know and can act.

We never ever fail to look into a reported post !

On this subject there has been a frank exchange of views but i don't feel it crossed any lines in terms of becoming obusive etc and to me morepoints re instated his interpreted loss of integrity when circumstances became apparant.

I think it's a sad day when anyone feels they have to leave however knowledgeable but if i have a criticism of morepoints it's the fact he gave us little chance to prove it's not the norm or make us aware he felt so strongly by reporting his objection to the posts.

We are a nice bunch of people and help each other all the time. You only have to read for yourself to see that.
We have banter between guys that have come to know each other via the site but problems are rare. So rare i can't remember the last time a post was reported except in error.
my last word on this is, yes maybee i was a bit harsh, it is a shame morepoints left the forum over this, i will engage my brain before i fly of the handle, and as kneescarper said we are all bikers so a bit of unity wouldnt go amiss.
also isn't there normally some sort of disclaimer on websites saying that any advice given is not the responsibility of the site, you use it at your own risk?
Read your post first Bigun - glad I did. Now what to do with a spare 30 mins???????????????
My 2 pence worth . .
Yes it is now sorted
Yes after reading through my e-mails for a second time i did see what morepoints said this happened to him


It would of been erm . . . 'nice' of morepoints to mention this when i was there wouldnt it? instead of me buying it, then him telling me ''oh yes this happened to me''

Anyway its all sorted now
i did similar,when i bought my old mille,the old bloke sempt genuine as fook,
bought it and scared himself to death on it so wanted rid.
was my fault for doing a reg check after i bought the fooker lol.
but it had had light panel damage (all repaired) cat c i think,i rang him and he claimed to be shocked,fair do's he offered my old xjr1300 back right away,but i was addicted to the mille by then,so i got some cash off him besides and all were happy.well,i was anyway lol.

ill never buy again,simply trusting the seller,never mind how meek,old and genuine they seem.
but id bet 10k that he made the same mistake and bought it wiowt checking it,then wanted shut when he found out,by law i dont think he had to declare it,but it would have been nice to let me know,reduce the price accordingly (he refunded me anyway,dont fink he wanted a personal visit!!) still got a bargain 2003 rsv for £1900!

im an idiot and way to trusting tho,never happen again!

most of this is irrelevant,but im bored and missing biking,sorry lol.
The main issue here is the MASSIVE coincidence. Bike is fine... there was a problem once with the revs so and so ago.... but first ride with the new owner minutes after buying it and bam the problem is back and back to stay. Probably nothing more than coincidence but you cant blame people for their reaction.

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