Advice/Links for air box mod

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Apr 8, 2012
Hey, I'm soon to have a go at doing an air box mod to my 2005 rsvr, the one where you get rid of the top air box cover and use the tank as the seal.

I'm sure there has been loads of posts and instructions on this, so if you know of any links to threads with step by step instructions - preferably with pics, it would be much appreciated.

Hey, I'm soon to have a go at doing an air box mod to my 2005 rsvr, the one where you get rid of the top air box cover and use the tank as the seal.

I'm sure there has been loads of posts and instructions on this, so if you know of any links to threads with step by step instructions - preferably with pics, it would be much appreciated.


This is a Falco one (gen 1 obviously) but might give you some stuff to think about. Not sure if I've seen a gen 2 diy airbox mod write up but being a gen 1 owner that's no surprise.

Rob :)
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Is it worth the hassle? Can you not run to a renegade type and put that 'plastic lunchbox' on a shelf in your garage where it belongs? ;)

Rob :)
When you say run to.... I am reckoning a cost of about a tenner for this.....a renegade is how much???
When you say run to.... I am reckoning a cost of about a tenner for this.....a renegade is how much???

Mmm, if you have to ask you probably can't afford it ;)

Not sure exactly. Some of the cheaper ones (fiberglass base plate rather than carbon fibre) might be under £100. Ask Griff (fusebox) I think he has some own brand ones he is selling.

Rob :)
Mmm, if you have to ask you probably can't afford it ;)

Not sure exactly. Some of the cheaper ones (fiberglass base plate rather than carbon fibre) might be under £100. Ask Griff (fusebox) I think he has some own brand ones he is selling.

Rob :)

Cheeky git I could buy 4 of your bike, chop them up and use them as ground fill for the patio I'm planning :2finger

But seriously if it is under £100, like £80 then might be worth thinking about. Griff is a forum member (excuse my ignorance) how do I find out exactly how much they are? Also from from what I've read the induction noise is very loud from this type, which can overpower everything else... exhaust etc... What u reckon??

On a side note where abouts in w.York's are u?
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HI'm just trying to piece this together as a new to the rsv griff the guy that runs aprillia performance in Tamworth?
We suppl a Renegade style filter kit, but they are £155 inc delivery for the Gen 2.


Cheeky git I could buy 4 of your bike, chop them up and use them as ground fill for the patio I'm planning :2finger

But seriously if it is under £100, like £80 then might be worth thinking about. Griff is a forum member (excuse my ignorance) how do I find out exactly how much they are? Also from from what I've read the induction noise is very loud from this type, which can overpower everything else... exhaust etc... What u reckon??

On a side note where abouts in w.York's are u?

Sorry I should have said ask Tash too.

The induction noise is one of the key attractions!

West side of West Yorkshire, near Keighley. If you want to pop by and collect those bits for your patio footings drop me a pm. ;)

Rob :)
Lol, I'll bring my still saw ;)

Listen thanks for your help on this:thumbup

Gonna have bash my self due to the amount of money I've spent recently on it.
TWell to see griff at ap today, got tuned and got a proper evo style air box mod done at the same time(well what thehell its only money) the whole thing has made loads of difference to how the bike performs.... definitely money well spent!!
Well to see griff at ap today, got tuned and got a proper evo style air box mod done at the same time(well what thehell its only money) the whole thing has made loads of difference to how the bike performs.... definitely money well spent!!

Worth spending a bit more than a tenner then? ;)

Rob :)

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