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Oct 16, 2010
Evlin is not a mechanic and should just leave stuff alone!:bawling well been on prilly all day bloody warm dry cant ask for more, just on my way back in looked down my clocks are bloody steamy at the bottom doh doh doh!!!!!!!!! no way as bad not running with water just a bit of fog but ffs ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Chill Evlin. As long as you've vented em they should get better after a short amount of time

Mine still fog a little after the mod but clear in few minutes
theres more to life than cleaning floors and bathing ev..

spuds dont peel em selves...
lovely ride out in the sun yesterday and again today ... clocks steamy as **** ...
oi you buggers!!!!!!!!!!!! on secound thougts stuff hose work http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-devil07.gif[/img][/url] , rusty you made me feel better, hope your right
Steamy clocks is a right bitch. No doubt when I get my bike out they will do the same. They did last yr, cold garage, sun shining on them = mist. Bollocks
Christ Evlin - when I saw the title of your thread I thought you'd binned yer bike!!

The steaming clocks are a pain in the arse ok. Mine only (so far....) fog up at the bottom so I can live with it.
but gilo, i took them apart, thought i had fixed them....waste of time but maybe rusty is right we shall see! am i being over the top? i will stop moaning now lol
evlin, from what I've read aboot a fix for them every man and his dug has a different fix.

There's loads of info on the af1 site.

Don't let direct sunlight on them whither parked or stopped at junctions etc.

Does'nt stop them fogging but it helps.

It's a bit of a pain at first but so is checking the oil level and lubing the chain first thing after a run.
To steam up there must be water in the clocks, I know obvious but

How about those little damp bags you get in electronics

Some of them in there would sook it up faster than a gay elephant
dynamo, i did think of that but havent got any doh, im gunna live with it now.
how can you keep sunlight of your bike when riding it ffs thats madness
Don't let direct sunlight on them whither parked or stopped


**** me Aldo min, ah didnae ken ma T wiz a ****** vampire :eek:eek

Or mibbe thir gremlins rich enuff....
Aye r, a keep a clove of garlic stuffed behind the screen.
huv added it tae ma "must have " accessories an mods list
Down side is nae nooky when yer get hame.

Whit's feckin new!!!

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