neutral selection problem

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Feb 20, 2014
western australia
Hi All, I am new to the forum and am looking for help. I have had my '04 RSVR for about a year but a couple of weeks agoI started having big trouble getting into neutral when I stop at lights. With the engine not running it's no worries. I read on a forum about replacing an oil jet just above the oil filter to cure this and did it last week but it's no better. I am thinking it may be a slight bit of clutch drag and have bled the clutch as well but still no good. I want to check the small clutch actuator rod bearing but have no workshop manual for the engine. The only ones I can see linked through forums are basically chassis manuals. Does anyone have experience of a similar problem and can you put me onto a link to the engine manual?

Hi All, I am new to the forum and am looking for help. I have had my '04 RSVR for about a year but a couple of weeks agoI started having big trouble getting into neutral when I stop at lights. With the engine not running it's no worries. I read on a forum about replacing an oil jet just above the oil filter to cure this and did it last week but it's no better. I am thinking it may be a slight bit of clutch drag and have bled the clutch as well but still no good. I want to check the small clutch actuator rod bearing but have no workshop manual for the engine. The only ones I can see linked through forums are basically chassis manuals. Does anyone have experience of a similar problem and can you put me onto a link to the engine manual?


Try snicking into neutral just before you come to a standstill . . . :)
I changed from the 60 jet to the later 40 jet but it made no difference. Changed the oil and filter too. Am starting to think my clutch slave cylinder is packing up. Any ideas on how I can prove that? The problem isn't that it is difficult to find neutral with the nine running and the bike at a standstill, it's impossible. Even trying to do it as I roll up to lights doesn't work most times.
If the slave cylinder isn't leaking its unlikely to be that, measure the travel, also check the hoses for flex swelling this can cause loss of travel, and cause drag, another possibility is a warped plate or plates nor allowing full clutch disengagement, I have also seen it where the lever is changed for a fancy adjustable one "why" that alters the master cylinder travel.

Just some thoughts.....
thanks Involute, do you know how much travel there should be? Still got stock levers and have tried different reach settings to no effect. Hoses look brand new with no sign of swelling
I've checked the manual I have and cant find the travel figure, another thing to check is that the fluid isn't bypassing the seal in the master cyl i.e. flowing back into reservoir, this can cause loss of travel, however by process of elimination you are getting to the point at which you need to strip the clutch and check out what's happening, once you have it opened up it should be easy to check disengagement or lack of it....... HTH
Hi All, I am new to the forum and am looking for help. I have had my '04 RSVR for about a year but a couple of weeks agoI started having big trouble getting into neutral when I stop at lights. With the engine not running it's no worries. I read on a forum about replacing an oil jet just above the oil filter to cure this and did it last week but it's no better. I am thinking it may be a slight bit of clutch drag and have bled the clutch as well but still no good. I want to check the small clutch actuator rod bearing but have no workshop manual for the engine. The only ones I can see linked through forums are basically chassis manuals. Does anyone have experience of a similar problem and can you put me onto a link to the engine manual?


Hi There, I had the same issue on my 04' RSV Fact earlier. What I do now is... stop at the traffic light, pull the clutch lever, give it a little rev then shifting it to Neutral. works like a charm now.

Give it a try and let me know.
oil grade

i had same crap until i put in the right grade of engine oil then it was all fine again
Mine is a beggar to get into neutral whilst stopped too.
I just snick into neutral while rolling.
I'm fitting an Oberon slave cylinder next week, so I'll report back if that improves the issue.
You never know!
The Oberon slave cylinder is a worthwhile upgrade, although may not be your issue. Have you checked the adjustment/wear of your chain?
I can't get the thing to stop leaking long enough to ride it! :biggrin
Seriously, it's getting the Oberon and Samco pipes put on next week, same time as the MOT.
See how I get on then.
I changed my jet valve to the 40 jet as well as changing the slave cylinder to an Oberon one. Both changes have helped dramatically and i can now sit at a red light in neutral. were as before i had a permanent pain in my wrist having to hold the clutch lever in.

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