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Jan 10, 2012
Um, Hi! RSV-riding folks of impeccable taste in selecting motorcycles :inlove


Erm, this is me, to all intents and purposes.

Name's Andy, I'm 27 next month, from Sheffield, Yorkshire, in England. Above this you see the love/bane of my motorcycling life, my beautiful RS250 that rides like a dream (and then needs a dozen bolts retightening after you park her up again). A gorgeous bike, even if I say so myself, but so incredibly demanding, maintenance wise, that it (for me as only a vaguely mechanically minded person) takes a fair bit of the joy out of owning her. She is currently serving in an unintended capacity as a gate guardian. I was thinking about constructing a concrete plinth for her to sit on to impress visitors to the house :lol .

I am here, as you may have noticed, on ye olde RSV forum, as I fancied a change of bike. My thought process at the time was:

"What is the next logical step up from an RS250?"
"Uh, there isn't one. The RS250 is a weird sorta diagonal step sideways".
"Do Aprilia have any larger sportsbike twins that I could move up to/grow into?"
"Um, yes, you could get the RSV1000"
"Isn't that like going from a pony to one of those huge 8 foot tall War Horses, with a nasty temper and limited patience?"
"Oh, bugger".

So, yes. I've been riding for 8 years, two of which were on an NSR125, six of which were on ^^^ this girl, and I fancy quite a substantial change of pace, it seems.

I'm a little intimidated, to be honest, by the thought of swapping a 65bhp 140 kilo 250 for a 121 (ish) bhp, 195 (ish) kilo torque monster like the RSV, but then I was a little intimidated when I first got on the 250, so I spose I'll get over it. As long as I can avoid either spinning the rear out on corners, being thrown off the back, or stoppy-ing the bike onto the back of my head, I'll be ok :).

Ideal model? 2004, onwards. Twin headlights, the actual RSV as opposed to the Mille. Different people like different styles I spose, I like the triangular spiky curvyness of the RSV.
I've seen decent examples on the market for £3000, so I'm really excited. The RS shouldn't get too too far off that if I'm lucky (will be selling as I can't afford to run two bikes at the same time).

I suppose people say that going from a 2t 250 to a 4t 1000 is a bit of a risk (really? :lol ), but then going from walking to riding a motorcycle is a risk so, It's one I'll accept. I love the whole look, the incredible sound of the RSV too much to say no, and I've always bought bikes with my heart, not my head. To paraphrase some dude off another forum, "If the bike ticks all the boxes, but doesn't make your pulse race, then it's not the bike for you".

The only fly in the ointment is that despite the fact that I've had 8 years riding experience, have never made an insurance claim, and have a licence that is so clean you can use it in as a tool during surgery with no risk of infection, the best insurance quote I've been given, was £1580 Third Party Only (!) for an '04 RSV. Or £1850 if I want to go for the RSV Factory. It seems my insurers really don't want me to get the RSV.

But hey :D. Bit of a long post, but I never say in 100 words what I can say in 1000 :thumbup .
Hi Andy welcome to the forum,thats a very tasty rs you have.
have you considered an older rsv (98-03) model,it may bring down the insane insurance quotes had.
hi best bet is go and have a few test rides as a il4 may be more what your after as 6 yrs on a mad 2 stroke

the twin will feel very odd after that but see if you can get a ride

personally id get a 600 and if you have the money the latest gsxr 600 is as good as it gets atm

second hand 600 rr or the yam r6 are also well worth a look

good luck
Hi Andy welcome to the forum,thats a very tasty rs you have.
have you considered an older rsv (98-03) model,it may bring down the insane insurance quotes had.

Hi there, glad you like her. She's fun to look at and even more fun to ride, but it's about time I got something that didn't require taking to pieces every time you park her up :p.
The older mille is a handsome bike, but the front end, particularly the lights at the front, really don't do it for me (from a style point of view). I prefer the spiky triangular pointy awesomeness of the newer RSVs, even if I have to pay extra for it.

I'll pay the insurance costs, provided they stand by the offered quote, I'll accept it. Sometimes, riding is just a case of throwing a hell of a lot of money at people until they go away and leave you alone with your bike. If I have half as much fun as I'm expecting to, with the RSV, I'll consider it to be worth it.

hi best bet is go and have a few test rides as a il4 may be more what your after as 6 yrs on a mad 2 stroke

the twin will feel very odd after that but see if you can get a ride

personally id get a 600 and if you have the money the latest gsxr 600 is as good as it gets atm

second hand 600 rr or the yam r6 are also well worth a look

good luck

Cheaper, definitely, but then if I was open to getting an IL4, I wouldn't be on an RSV forum :D hehe. It's about time I tried a different kind of riding, I don't want the new bike to be just a case of "more of the same". I think I'd quite enjoy growing up with the RSV, if it'd let me :).
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Lovely 250 mate, I used to have a Harada rep, I would love another one if they didn't cripple me!! Went straight onto a 2001 Mille which i'm still in love with 10 years later!! I do sometimes miss having to ride like a **** everywhere though!
Riding the RS250 is like having hot secks with a very sexy person: It sounds good, but you have to do it in the right time and place, otherwise it's just not enjoyable.
On the right roads, the 250 is a dream to ride. In traffic she's got a heavy clutch, overheats like a good'un, and murders even my young and nubile wrists.

I don't ride her in the countryside anymore, too worried about something going wrong and me being stuck in the middle of nowhere. No, really, It's happened more than once.

I must say though, I've been looking around the forum at all the technical advice and all sorts of clever and useful and interesting stuff. I think I'm gonna enjoy it here :)
Hi there, glad you like her. She's fun to look at and even more fun to ride, but it's about time I got something that didn't require taking to pieces every time you park her up :p.
The older mille is a handsome bike, but the front end, particularly the lights at the front, really don't do it for me (from a style point of view). I prefer the spiky triangular pointy awesomeness of the newer RSVs, even if I have to pay extra for it.

I'll pay the insurance costs, provided they stand by the offered quote, I'll accept it. Sometimes, riding is just a case of throwing a hell of a lot of money at people until they go away and leave you alone with your bike. If I have half as much fun as I'm expecting to, with the RSV, I'll consider it to be worth it.

Cheaper, definitely, but then if I was open to getting an IL4, I wouldn't be on an RSV forum :D hehe. It's about time I tried a different kind of riding, I don't want the new bike to be just a case of "more of the same". I think I'd quite enjoy growing up with the RSV, if it'd let me :).

well i tried to talk you into a good step up so enjoy the twin :biggrin

a modern 600 is not like a 250 2 stroke lol
well i tried to talk you into a good step up so enjoy the twin :biggrin

a modern 600 is not like a 250 2 stroke lol

Neither is a snarling 1000cc twin ;).It's too late for me, I've got RSV themed windows backgrounds on both my monitors now. I'm committed :p.
Hi Andy. It sounds like you should go for it as yer already totally committed and as you said "buy with the heart and not the head" plus you've been riding an awesome RS250 which takes a fair bit of skill as it is, and is a fantastic experience and learning curve. I miss 2st bikes, there should be more of em!
A big 4st is generally easy to ride so don't be nervous about it (especially after an RS!) although a V-twin does take a bit of getting used to, for you mainly it'll be the huge engine braking but other than that it's fairly lazy
There are other choices like the ktm superduke but they are still fairly expensive, and stuff like the suzuki SV650 which is a great bike and cheap and supprisingly quick.
Either way yer gonna love the change so good luck and just DO IT
I'm just a little nervous about getting into the power without realising it, and bringing the front up. The RS makes all its power in a 2000rpm range just below its redline. I imagine if I tried to ride the RSV the same way I'd end up with it upside down on top of me :p.

What about you, Mr/Ms Red Mille, got any advice for a newcomer to the world of big twins? :D

(EDIT: Yes I do want to sell the RS, but not right now - I need to save some pennies for the RSV and some more for the insurance. When I do I will sell it with included rebuild kit, and a spare headlight assembly, and spare stock pipes/cans as well. Includes pipercross air filter, full stainless hand-built jim lomas straight through pipes with carbon-kevlar cans, and carbon hugger/chainguard.

Not sure what the asking price is going to be yet, folks on another forum have advised me to look for £2500-3000 on the basis that RSs are rare, and getting rarer :).)
I know this is not the classifieds section, I'm just saying :)
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Yer right they're certainly getting hard to get hold of, but deffo worth it.
No you won't spin out the rear or flip the beast or highside or any of those nasty things because you automatically won't ride it the same way as the RS, the same as going from a sport bike to yer mates custom cruiser thingy, you very quickly get a feal for what's going on and ride accordingly, otherwise we'de all crash the moment we tried riding a new or different bike.
Honestly as a kid I used to watch people ride off on things like Z1000's and the like and think "how the hell does anyone ride anything that big" and I look back now and think that those bikes were nothing to what we're riding now. When I bought my superduke R I'd heard what "mental monsters" they are and so I was quite nervous for a mile or so and then realised it was just like any other bike, the more you opened the throttle the faster it went, and seeing as I was the one in control of the throttle then I was the one in control of the bike, AND it was a piece of piss to ride and I loved it
i have a 03 rsv (last of the gen1's) love the bike it is my first road bike (come form 10 years of mx) been riding since november 2010 and i was paying £410 tpft and now i'm paying £225 with one years ncb i turned 27 a month ago i love the bike i will never get rid like anything you just have to respect the power and you will be fine good luck and hope you get what you want mate you wont regret it
Okay this is distinctly bizarre. The unnamed insurer I am using seems to operate on a one size fits all basis. if I tell them I've had my licence for 4 years, they want £1580 tpo. If I tell them I've had it for 8, they want £1540 tpo*.
Third party only, I emphasise this. The bike could be illuminated in the middle of the street with neon lights, inviting people to steal it, and this should still have no relevance to the insurer anyway since I am NOT asking for a quote to insure it against theft (don't panic, I'll check that out).
And YET! If I tell them that the bike is on my driveway, it's £1580. If I tell them it's in my neighbour's garage, they want £780. What the heeecckkk?!

*The actual amount of time I've held my licence is open to interpretation because I gained my provisional in 2003, passed my test in late 2004 and transitioned from A2 to full A in late 2006. So have I had my licence for 4 years? 6 or 8? Who knows?! I just told them to check with the DVLA.
the only thing that will give you a fright on the rsv is the weight when you first take corners and bends as you will find it odd as i said due to high cog and the bulk.

it wont throw you off and it wont wheelie at every chance unless you give it full beans out of a roundabout :devious

take a good few miles to adjust to the weight and feel and you may not like it ? or you will fooooking love it as there a damn good bike :thumbup

if you understand how to set the bike up for your weight etc then get it done as you will enjoy it far more .
you need about 30-35mm F&R sag for road use for a good start point .

i pay £74 tpft but then ive had a bike licence for 30yrs and have max ncb :biggrin

see getting older has its pluses :thumbup

im thinking they see you as a small bike rider making a huge leap up (yes i know the rs is faf ) but they only see 1000cc on the screen so shop around as you may get lucky ?

id think the rs is a thirsty little sod so you may find the rsv quite good on fuel
I'm just a little nervous about getting into the power without realising it, and bringing the front up. The RS makes all its power in a 2000rpm range just below its redline. I imagine if I tried to ride the RSV the same way I'd end up with it upside down on top of me :p.

What about you, Mr/Ms Red Mille, got any advice for a newcomer to the world of big twins? :D

(EDIT: Yes I do want to sell the RS, but not right now - I need to save some pennies for the RSV and some more for the insurance. When I do I will sell it with included rebuild kit, and a spare headlight assembly, and spare stock pipes/cans as well. Includes pipercross air filter, full stainless hand-built jim lomas straight through pipes with carbon-kevlar cans, and carbon hugger/chainguard.

Not sure what the asking price is going to be yet, folks on another forum have advised me to look for £2500-3000 on the basis that RSs are rare, and getting rarer :).)
I know this is not the classifieds section, I'm just saying :)

You can be lazier with the gears as you don't need to be in the narrow rev range and the drive out of corners is fantastic! They are top heavy but comfortable, except in town when the clutch kills your hand and you will waste a lot of fuel just blipping the throttle to hear the V twin symphony! The most important thing to remember though is to get Griff at Aprilia Performance to loo after her!!
Welcome to the madhouse m8 :banghead
Nice rs I spent countless sleepless nights just hoping would bring out a 500 2t rs :sigh
The RSV is already causing me sleepless nights. I stay up (seriously!) daydreaming about how awesome (and slightly scary) it'll be when I get one :biggrin.

I need to get back into touch, cos this scares me ever so slightly hahaha.

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