Industrial rope access vision technician(absail window cleaner),hard job,long hours:devious:devious.
Been a Commercial artist since leaving collage, was in the surf/windsurf industry airbrushing, currently work with an event branding company producing gear mainly for ski/snowboarding, Surfing, windsurfing and mountain biking events and competitions.
Can you do helmets !!!!
Tim, you've obviously mis-read 'Commercial Artist' as the very similar 'filthy back street pox-ridden crack ho' - a common mistake I believe.Can you do helmets !!!!
Bring it ACTION MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dougcurrently in the army not long left:biggrin
its ***** now used to be good fun any comments and i come round and kill you:thumbup
Bring it ACTION MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:doug
You must be the only squaddie left in the UK then, you cant kill us old tankers, wev'e always smelt that way.
Ok mate,remember the tractor,na,na..:devious:deviouswouldn't be hard to catch you gayboy i mean badboy :biggrin
To much layin on his back,lazzzzzzzzzy bastard...:nana:nanajust been moved was going to afghan supposedly in oct due to technical difficulties i.e back fooked can't go:doug
Ok mate,remember the tractor,na,na..:devious:devious