If you had to get rid of your RSV for financial reasons what bike would you get?

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Sep 29, 2008
Southampton, UK.
I was just working out what the RSV's gonna cost to run this year, tax, insurance, tyres, etc etc and while it wasn't bad it's still a reasonable amount and if we believe the "experts" we've got some tough financial times ahead. So I therefore pondered what bike I would get if I very reluctantly had to get rid of the RSV.

Bearing in mind I would be after a cheap and fun ride I reckon I'd go for an SV650S. So out of interest I'm gonna put it to you guys; what would you get?
If you had to sell your 08 RSVR Rage, would you not get another early shape RSV?
If I had your bike and I had to get rid of it...I'd buy an older shape Mille, there are loads out there with loads of extras on and at very good prices!
recently sold my SV650s. I wasn't pleased with the torque on it. Buells are good bikes with good torque and they have very low second market value.
I'd go with SV1000 which is suppose to be better than advertised. I wouldn't sell or get rid of my yellow RSV she was so jealous when I had the 650 now she has been teaching me a good lesson... RSV is very addictive once you get on that handmade master piece you become a part of it. I recently had to push mine, a total RSV Mile! lol get it? anyway don't let your RSV go fook the economy is a total ******** from the media. There is plenty of money, water(fuel), oxygen, food and land on Earth, Recession is just a lie to make people slave for less while the big corporates/banks are enjoying the wealth, we all know that you have to buy Electric, Gas and insurance and everything you can possibly buy is taxed so what is more profitable than that? don't even think about selling your RSV or I'll come down there and kick your sprag clutch, brother . lol my 2 cents :rant
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I'd go back to the vtr firestorm still got plenty of kick's of a vtwin and easy to maintain if i was that skint hope it don't come to that :eek:
Without doubt another ZX7-R....bulletproof and great handling bike, easy to maintain and, even today, looks fecking mean!! Heavy mind but still great. Looking for one myself at the moment for trackdays!..........:thumbup
Probs an older Mille if i had to, either that or a C90::pirate if things were real bad
mine would be my old zx9r E1 (twin head lights) fast light and fun and easy on your old bones on long trips. the plus side is it was cheap to run and maintain. about 150-160 mile on a tank (£15 when I had it) tones of parts on the bay and again cheap :)

bloody hell i miss my old girl now
i will sell the wife first and i and save lots more:devious

I have to agree completely!:thumbup

There is no way I would get rid of that thing. I would start selling things you don't need i.e. household nicknacks (****), the kids, the house, the car and so on. All you need is that bike a tent and gas money.

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My last bike and probably the best value (most underated bike) is the YZF1000 Thunderace or THUNDERARSE as its better known.

Great bike all round, and I hate to say will just storm past my RSV :(
Older shape rsv or 600 jap bike etc.

Regards the financial situation, survive the next 9 months and you will hopefully be over the worst. It won't be over but it won't be getting any worse and once that happens the only way is up. It's gonna hurt so just dig in and ride it out as best you can.
The banks will eventually sort themselves out and start lending then things will improve. Right now they are still coming to terms with the fact they manufactured their own demise.

Hang in there :thumbup

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