If you had to get rid of your RSV for financial reasons what bike would you get?

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Bike owes me nothing and not worth enough to sell


the slap was for considering it
Same here ..great bike very underrated. Bags more grunt but didnt handle as well as the RSV and didnt have the grin factor
If you had to sell your 08 RSVR Rage, would you not get another early shape RSV?

Probably not in all honesty as they appear to need alot of mods and tlc, which normally equates to money, to keep them running and also the insurance and tyres would probably be alot more expensive than some of the options such as the SV I'd consider.
Probably not in all honesty as they appear to need alot of mods and tlc, which normally equates to money, to keep them running and also the insurance and tyres would probably be alot more expensive than some of the options such as the SV I'd consider.

To be honest this bike has been the best i've owned so far in terms of reliability (even better than my VFR750 I had)

The MOD's i've done weren't necessary, so the costs to do them were because i wanted to spend it on my bike, and whatever bike you own you will probably add little extras to make it a little better :dunno

For what I'd get for mine if i sold it, I would never get anything as good for the same money :eatcorn
recently sold my SV650s. I wasn't pleased with the torque on it. Buells are good bikes with good torque and they have very low second market value.
I'd go with SV1000 which is suppose to be better than advertised. I wouldn't sell or get rid of my yellow RSV she was so jealous when I had the 650 now she has been teaching me a good lesson... RSV is very addictive once you get on that handmade master piece you become a part of it. I recently had to push mine, a total RSV Mile! lol get it? anyway don't let your RSV go fook the economy is a total ******** from the media. There is plenty of money, water(fuel), oxygen, food and land on Earth, Recession is just a lie to make people slave for less while the big corporates/banks are enjoying the wealth, we all know that you have to buy Electric, Gas and insurance and everything you can possibly buy is taxed so what is more profitable than that? don't even think about selling your RSV or I'll come down there and kick your sprag clutch, brother . lol my 2 cents :rant

LOL. Like it super yellow. You make some good points. I actually had an S1000S and they're not bad at all especially for the money, however the 650 would obviously be cheaper and we all know there's only one 1000cc twin worth having and it aint an SV. :thumbup

Also there's no need for any sprag vandalism just yet as I really REALLY don't intend getting rid of the RSV for quite a while, it was just a bit of hyperthetical speculation. I was more interested to see what you guys would write to be honest. Plus I'm loving the RSV and can't wait for my first summer on the beast!
Older shape rsv or 600 jap bike etc.

Regards the financial situation, survive the next 9 months and you will hopefully be over the worst. It won't be over but it won't be getting any worse and once that happens the only way is up. It's gonna hurt so just dig in and ride it out as best you can.
The banks will eventually sort themselves out and start lending then things will improve. Right now they are still coming to terms with the fact they manufactured their own demise.

Hang in there :thumbup

Cheers, although don't worry I'm not in dire financial straights and there is absolutely NO chance I'm flogging it so me and my RSV aren't going anywhere any time soon. I was just wondering what I, and indeed you guys, would do if.....

Thanks for the support but I PROMISE I won't be getting rid of it!!! :thumbup

Bike owes me nothing and not worth enough to sell


the slap was for considering it

LOL. :thumbup

well I slap you back sir, twice for you considering that I considered it. :bitchslap :bitchslap

It was merely hyperthetical but your reply made me laugh so fair enough. :thumbup
If it all went pear shape and had to get rid, I'd get another early 1200 Bandit. Had one before I got the Tuono and loved it. Still got a gs1000 in the shed, could dust that of as a last resort.......be in a hedge at the first corner mind but better than walking
I unfortunately have had to take the long walk of shame. i had to let my rsv go because it was too expensive to run an maintain. so my cheap bike is a ducati 748:thumbup
I unfortunately have had to take the long walk of shame. i had to let my rsv go because it was too expensive to run an maintain. so my cheap bike is a ducati 748:thumbup
:confused Lost me there,ducati cost a lot more to keep on road,unless you brought a ****** rsv.
I lost my job before xmas,first time out of work.Have not got a lot dosh coming in, but still got my bike.
I'm lucky to have never been out of work so can't say i know how it feels nor do i want to find out.

I have to say i wouldn't hesitate to sell any bike if it kept a roof over my families head but it would be way down the list of items to raise cash.

Ducati service intervals and costs are not a bad as they used to be. The belt services can be expensive but the super high costs always thrown around on the net are for the R and SPS versions which are tuned to the hilt.

Ducati service interval now 7500 which compares to anything out there. Like any bike rsv included there are always tales of woe. No one builds a bad bike anymore out of the bigger names.

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