suspension workshops

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if i run some more of them workshops early in the new year would anyone be interested???

maybe tie them into the "on tour" dates?

if theres enough want it then i'll run em no worries had a couple of requests of late again you see!

cheers guys!

I would certainly be interested, seems like a damn fine idea.

What sort of locations were you thinking about ?, I am thinking you will need a fair bit of space.
I would certainly be interested, seems like a damn fine idea.

What sort of locations were you thinking about ?, I am thinking you will need a fair bit of space.
you like that much you posted twice kiwi,
griff got mine done earlier in the year but would be keen again, interesting to learn for me aswell.
think my valves need checking too
keep us informed
cheers STL
hi guys !
no dont need much space, we'll sort something out no worries!

just a qucky mate im not gonna set your suspension up for you during these sessions mate , otherwise i'd charge you! hehe!
the idea is to teach yourselves how to set the suspension up for yourselves, as your ability grows then so does the need to be able to adjust your suspension to compensate!

BTW i wouldnt charge for this same as before as long as ive got somewhere to do it and cand a brew and some biscuits for everyone im mad forrit!
if you need any convincing check out the prebious threads on the club aprilia site for the reviews. im so chuffed people took something away from the last lot of courses i ran!
heres the link!

If you bring the suspension workshop to Kent, count me in.

I'll bring the choccie biscuits just let me know where and when.

Free advice from the Master? Count me in. You can use my garden if you like - and if you'd like an RSV to demonstrate on ...
Myself and newboots will be more than up for that as we said we were going to visit you're good self early next year so sounds like a good idea.I could more than likely get quite a few from around the northampton area to get together for something like that Griff
get yourselfs booked in for this you won't be dissapointed

i came away with alot more understanding of what was happening
then during the summer making fine adjustments
would be up for that. its something ive never bothered with as I know I would cock it up lol.

I would even travel, if you were not that close! top idea. you can use my bike as a demo bike if you like lol :)

If you bring the suspension workshop to Kent, count me in.

I'll bring the choccie biscuits just let me know where and when.


Me too VADER oops I mean GRIFF.:thumbup SUSSEX / KENT area good for me!

Sooner the better 4 me:thumbup

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