Just got 2016 Caponord

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Oct 12, 2017
Bought a 2016 Caponord Travel Pack a couple of months ago. Bargain at half price and only 1900 miles. I've covered 2500 miles so far. So far I've had replaced under Aprilia warranty: fork stanchion and seal, brake pads (oil from seal leak) fuel gauge sender and currently in the shop for faulty exhaust valve (probably the servo). I had a Ducati so I'm not surprised as it IS Italian! I hope that these will sort it out and it's not a sign of things to come. Anybody want to comment? I swapped from a Super Tenere 1200. Nothing wrong with that - I've done 50,000 miles on two Teneres in the last five years but it was beginning to feel heavy as the years accumulated (now 73) hence the much lighter Caponord. I like the performance, I love vee-twins anyway, don't think the electronic suspension is any better than properly set up conventional shock/forks, and the jury is out on the luggage which shows gaps at the lid joint but hasn't leaked yet. I reckoned the exhaust was noisy but it turned out that the valve was stuck open (see above) and the fuelling stutters at low throttle. I hope that will be cured by the exhaust valve repair and a promised download of the latest map.

I have to comment on the typically Italian fiasco that followed my attempt to order a workshop manual. The dealer took the order and the very substantial payment but had to fill out all my personal details on the Aprilia order form. I then received an email saying they had "approved" the sale of the manual to me (what????) and gave me their bank details for the money transfer and a FAX number to copy proof of the transfer to them. Who the hell uses FAX? I don't even know anyone with a FAX machine. The dealer was as perplexed as me but gave me an instant refund of my original payment. Long story short, I found AFI in Austin, Texas and downloaded the manual as a pdf for $8.15 (approximately 10% of what Aprilia wanted) so stuff Aprilia and their archaic system. Anybody else ever run into this kind of madness from the factory?

I look forward to checking the forum more thoroughly and posting more later.

Stay safe

I got the bike back today with the exhaust valve servo replaced together with new cables. Also had the latest ecu map loaded which changed the exhaust valve actuation slightly and had some improvements to the electronic suspension. It has transformed the bike. I realise now that neither I nor the first owner ever had the exhaust valve working properly (he commented on the stuttering at low revs). It was probably supplied new with a faulty servo. Now it is the bike I had hoped I was buying based on an earlier dealer test ride. It is definitely quieter around town which pleases me (and my neighbours). Even the slight changes in the suspension are an improvement. Now I really love this machine!
Looking at the location of the actuating cables running in the open at the bottom of the frame in endless water and road filth, they look like a problem waiting to happen even though my dealer assures me otherwise. Anybody like to offer their experiences?

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