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:devious Hello there ,hay thanks. my 02 is geard and i see 154 at our track out here willow springs raceway.thats on the big track and they both handle soooo good.have a good day .:doug
Well i have only gone and done it.......

I pick up a black 2004 RSV-R Factory this coming Saturday. I really hope it's as good as you guys are saying. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!:inlove
Well i have only gone and done it.......

I pick up a black 2004 RSV-R Factory this coming Saturday. I really hope it's as good as you guys are saying. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!:inlove

We are all biased to hell here but I can guarantee that the grin on your face will make your mates think you've gone simple.

Post some pictures once you get it.

Another black one to view in my mirrors!!!

Nice one fella!!!

Well done mate you wont have any regrets!!

Like i think i said earlier in this thread i have only had mine 2 weeks and im well pleased with it. Mine is the RSVR not the factory like your getting though it is the same year 04, yours has loads more extras you lucky thing :eatcorn

May i ask what you paid for it out of interest, was it from a dealer?

You will have to post some pics on here mate when you get it :thumbup
Nice scoop on your Ape..and welcome to the zone mate! :thumbup
Welcome and well done mate, you won't regret it! I've gone from a K5 Gixxer to a ZX10 and then the Mille in the last 3 years. The Mille is by far the best mix of everything. Classy, in a word. The Gixxer handled like a dream but I felt like I should be given an ASBO, the ZX10 was as flighty, unstable, and evil as my last girlfriend, but was brutally quick without the suspension to take it (the Ten, not my bird). With the Mille you get your kicks at lower speeds, although as the other lads have said, they will rock with the best of them when needed. Sweeet.
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Now I understand what you guys mean by riding about with a silly grin.....These things rock....

I also now understand why so many recommend lower gearing, how tall is first???? What is the recomended option? there seems to be so many.......
go for it i had 05 factory for 2 yrs got rid of it for a new gixer thou k7 worst thing i ever did dont get me wrong gixer is a mental bike faster than the millie but just not the same made the same mistake before with my tlr and tls i finally sussed im a twin man ive had 4 millies a tlr and a tls love um or hate um and i love um cheers kev
Think of it as the Lamborghini Countach but in the 'Bike World' :devious

A touch of Italian CLASS !!!

Or a nice CHIANTI.

You wont go far wrong if you buy an RSV.:thumbup


:cool3 COOL DUDE ON AN RSV :pirate
Nice one mate. I don't think everyone twigged you've got one now!
Drop a fron tooth and see how you go. That's what I have done for now to assess it until it's time for a complete kit.
Your post 2004 has a different setup to mine anyway, but -1 front is a good start...
My bro had an 04 Factory, fuccking lovely machine with the Ohlins and all that carbon!
They are not as reliable as an jap IL4. Sorry I din't see this post till you bought it.

Most owners on here have carried out all kinds of upgrades.

Things that don't work as std :-

*the battery is too small and weak. (easy upgrade)
*they don't charge the batteries properly (a wiring mod sorts this)
*the rear brake is ineffective (get used to not having one!)
*ohlins fork seals don't seal that well
*starter solienoid is too small (easy upgrade)
*the early bikes needed an oil get changing so you can get neutral, my 03 is a pig to find.
*most of us changed our clutch slave cylinders too as the std one is a bit ****

The battery, its charging and the solienoid all need sorting out early on as you do not want to shag the sprag clutch. Till you sort any of the above make sure it lives on an optimate.

But other than that they are belting bikes. I love mine
Love it to bits!!Awesome handling,power delivery,well made.And in Ireland this year 50mpg.My mate's Firestorm was stopping for juice every 60miles!Best upgrade is to a 13.5 amp battery,Helli bars(slightly higher bars)and Evolution clutch slave cyliner(lighter action).
Stormy for your 04 Factory, go one tooth down on the front to a 15 tooth, then go 2 up on the rear to a 42. You'll be amazed at how much better the bike is
Hey alright.what a awesome bike.I just love both of mine,I have raced inline fours and now I will try on the milies.I do a lot of track days out here and my lap times are better on the rsvs.just a kick..I am glad you got the gigles.I allways do .take care and happy wheelies.d
They are not as reliable as an jap IL4. Sorry I din't see this post till you bought it.

Most owners on here have carried out all kinds of upgrades.

Things that don't work as std :-

*the battery is too small and weak. (easy upgrade)
*they don't charge the batteries properly (a wiring mod sorts this)
*the rear brake is ineffective (get used to not having one!)
*ohlins fork seals don't seal that well
*starter solienoid is too small (easy upgrade)
*the early bikes needed an oil get changing so you can get neutral, my 03 is a pig to find.
*most of us changed our clutch slave cylinders too as the std one is a bit ****

The battery, its charging and the solienoid all need sorting out early on as you do not want to shag the sprag clutch. Till you sort any of the above make sure it lives on an optimate.

But other than that they are belting bikes. I love mine

Gaz, can you elaborate on the wiring mod for charging and starter solenoid change - and what changing the solenoid actually does? Thanks, semi-newbie, have so far uprated the battery but interested in insuring against grief! :thumbup
Stormmy... I picked up my '04 Factory a month ago and am absolutely :inlove it her :thumbup

It's on the optimate whilst I'm not there and I've started to line up the mods that the guys have mentioned here... that first gear is a bit :eek: on the roads let alone the 50m of gravel drive I have to negotiate to get to the black stuff :roll

But the smile on my face whilst riding her - the bike I mean :devious - is HUGE :thumbup

Oh and the noise from the arrow race cans is just awesome :inlove :devious :pirate

I really must get round to posting some pictures of her alongside my other Italian bella up soon :roll
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