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    Clutch slip

    Before i changed the oil i was having mild clutch slip perhaps 2 or 3 times per 300km, I have now changed the oil to 15/50 and the clutch slip is getting worse, I have adjusted the clutch actuating rod by unscrewing it thus allowing the rod not to push into the MC housing , and it still slips...
  2. wobblybox

    Thinkin of an engine transplant would the v60 slip in here??


    Would bleeding the clutch help slip?

    I had a bit of clutch slip today chasing down a CBR 1000 rr, It might of been to pilot error not realeasing the clutch lever fully before give it some welly in 6th. I tried the old 6th roll on later and it felt like it wasnt slipping. So would a bleed help ( pleased say no as Its gonna be a...
  4. Sprocker

    Clutch slip

    How hard is it to change the clutch plates :dunno I think mine's ready to be done as I was out today and it was red-lining at 130 :jack Also what would it cost for a set of OEM plates, or would it be a better idea to get those Barnett ones I've seen on e-bay :eatcorn(bit expensive, but if they...
  5. R

    clutch slip - is it the slipper clutch?

    Hi I've just finished a Streetfighter based on a 99 RSV. I've had several before, and not come across this problem before. As I let the clutch out and open the throttle to pull away, the clutch goes soft, and it's hard to control. Also the clutch can be made to slip under hard accelleration, if...
  6. daveC1

    GIANNELLI Titanium slip on ehaust.

    Its off my 2003 model but i'm sure it'll fit the ones before. Excellent condition Titanium Slip on exhaust with link pipe, springs, removable baffle and exhaust strap. Extremely light. £130 posted.
  7. S

    Left side damaged Leo vince ti slip ons 04 rsv

    For sale Leo vince ti slip on exhaust. left can has minor road rash right side in perfect shape. can send pictures. make offer.