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  1. ross.niven

    service intervals

    Hi there Folks, As I dont realy Know much about my new 01' rsv(or any other rsv for that matter)and didn't get the owners handbook with the bike I have no idea when it should be serviced.The bike shows 8500 just now and had new plugs oil and filters at 7500, can someone tell me when it is due...
  2. torben hommel


    Went for a couple of good rides over the weekend,beautiful weather in NZ now,summer 25-30 degrees,so today monday,oilchange new oilfilter,klean the airfilter and reoiling,plus new sparkplugs,the front cylinder a bit of acou--,but all done,saved a million,ready for another good ride,good to be a...
  3. J

    Service question

    I bought my RSV1000 Mille about a month ago with 15 000km on the clocks, ( my first Italian bike) Its a 2002 model so the warrenty has already expired, so would you guys recomend home servicing as I suppose there's no use taking it to the dealers for a stamp as the warrenty is gone?:dunno On...
  4. J

    15 000km service

    Hi there, I just bought a 2002 RSV about a week ago, a dream come true!!!!!!:love2 The bike is in very good condition, and rides like an absolute dream!!!! It needs to go for the 15 000km now, so does anyone know what gets done on this service?:O
  5. B

    New Owner, Service Advice.

    Hi guys, picked up my new RSV on Saturday :love and just had a quick question regarding servicing. The guy I bought her off assured my that the 10,000 miles service had just been done but has no evidence and unfortunately the company that did it is no longer trading. He seemed like an honest...
  6. S

    Best place to service my bike in Central Scotland

    Hi - I have just bought an 05 RSVR and it needs a service. Can anyone recommend somebody in the Central Scotland area to do this. Preferably Fife/Kinross area. Also - what is the story with the back brake !!!!!. :thumbup Scott J
  7. cornhoolio

    Service reset

    Looking through the "How to" thread and saw the instructions to reset the service indication on the LCD dash. Resetting the service light Key on Press Lap and R for 5 seconds Call me a tube, but I cannot see the "R" button for the life of me :O Probably someting really stupid as I tend not...
  8. JaseRSV

    How much for the 4000 mile service

    Just wondered how much you guys paid for yours. I had mine yesterday, and including changing all the fluids it was £220. The bloody labour charge was £162:jack. Do you think it was a bit expensive? What did you pay? By the way its an 05 Factory, and yes I will get out on it more
  9. Mille Matt

    Guides Aprilia Service Manuals

    Found the below link to be of use if anyone needs the official manuals and service guides for their bikes.
  10. daveC1

    Guides Resetting the "SERVICE" light on the 04 RSVR

    2004 Aprilia RSVR and RSVR Factory Resetting the service light 2004 RSV1000R, RSV1000 Factory * Siemans/VDO Fuel Injection 1. Depress and Hold the + and - buttons 2. Turn the ignition key on. 3 Keep pressed for approx 15 seconds 4. Turn off the ignition key.