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  1. rsvnelly

    How do you reset the time on dash??

    :dunno Can anybody please tell me how to reset the time on the dash, I've sussed out the lap time and the trips but cann't seem to get the normal time to change?? It's an RSV 04 Factory, if that makes a difference, I know I might sound thick, but I dont have the owners manual.
  2. Dolestar

    Clock reset

    Over the last week my bike has tripped itself when starting making the oddo reset and the clocks go back to kmh. I press the start button and it kind of goes "plurgh..." then i press it again and fires fine albiet with alien kmh speed settings lol. Any ideas?? i keep the bike on an opti...
  3. cornhoolio

    Service reset

    Looking through the "How to" thread and saw the instructions to reset the service indication on the LCD dash. Resetting the service light Key on Press Lap and R for 5 seconds Call me a tube, but I cannot see the "R" button for the life of me :O Probably someting really stupid as I tend not...