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  1. mattie1972

    Racing engine idle

    Morning all, I replaced my old battery with the slightly larger Yuasa YTX-14. Everything started back up fine, except the engine is now idling at 3k revs? Is it possible removing the old battery has reset my PCIII, and that's doing it? I can re-install my cutom map to check, but any...
  2. S

    Sticky idle adjuster

    Been trying to turn my idle up but the adjuster is stuck. The workshop manual us about as much use as a chocolate teapot, can anyone give me any advice before I start taking thing apart to work it out?
  3. C

    Idle Speed Adjuster

    Guys, can anyone point me in the direction of the engine idle speed adjuster on my '04' Mille R ? Thanks.:thumbup
  4. T Virus

    why does my bike now start in Artic conditions with no cold idle !?

    even when display says cold & it hasnt started for a day !? :dunno i aint complaining though... lol !? :eek:
  5. M

    Edwards - Idle Adjustment

    Hi Guys, The handbook says there is an idle screw for the 03 Edwards but I cannot find do you adjust the idle? It's there (the idle screw) on the 2002 Mille as I can plainly see it and have used it before. Thx Mark
  6. RSVjames

    jerky low revs and chain niose

    hi got another problem first of all thanks for help up front. Right my idel revs are irratic up down +- 50-100 depending, also when moving on low revs and putting power down from low revs i can hear the chain slapping and cacthing, the slack is ok. do you think the front cog may need chaging or...
  7. mk1000

    Idle speed

    Gents another question for you brain machines. I have just serviced the beast which has prompted the question (2000 RSV). Replaced K&N air filter, oil filter, replaced plugs with iridium. I now have an idle speed of about 1800rpm when hot, slightly lower when cold. Before the service i'm...
  8. V

    Diag -1, 0, 1? Bike starts but won't idle? Please help!

    Jumped started the bike as the battery is knackered, and it fired up right away, after being stood for roughly 4 months due to crash, one of the radiators starts leaking so I need a new rad, But it wouldn't idle, if its not started it reads -1, once its started it reads either 0 or 1, and I...
  9. jennozx10r

    Idle Adjustment

    Hi, Where is the idle adjuster on the 2004 RSV Factory, when warm it only just ticks over, nearly stalling. Thanks Rich
  10. ukcustombike

    Fast Idle. Any Ideas???

    Could someone please shed some light on why my bike's Idle is to high? It used to run at the correct idle of 1250rpm but the last 6-7 start ups its increased. On start up it goes up to approx 2000rpm (which its always done), after a few seconds down to 1500-1700rpm then wont go down anymore...
  11. Y

    2k idle?

    On the way to work today , in the pishing down rain, my idle speed suddenly increased to 2k'ish and stayed that way for about 5 minutes of filtering / stop / start riding ... then it dropped to the usual 750 ish rpm Any uideas or just electrics and rain bad combo ? :dunno
  12. J

    Bike Won't Idle

    Ok guys, I just put a new solenoid on my 01 millie. Now the bike will start up if I let it sit but won't idle. Sometimes when I hit the start button the bike says no start on the dash. Any ideas? Thanks, Jason
  13. adzersv

    Help - Idle speed problems?

    Pulled the bike of the garage this morning, started her up, Seemed to be ticking over a bit too fast (around 3k) and wouldn't settle?? Anyway set off for work and by the time i'd arrived 10miles later (after alot of braking and dipping the clutch) the bike was upto 6k?? After removing the...
  14. dbelansky

    07 running ruff at idle

    Help !!! I put on renagade slip on cans on my 07.I have had my frist service and the over charging dumb ass did not put the ecu to race and he is not willing to help because i told them they ripped me off on the this somthing I could do my self.:dunno . for you so cal guys do not take...
  15. Stuza

    Bike is stalling with clutch fully in (idle)

    Hi Guys just picked up an 07 RSVR (Bol'dor colours) and love it, however, on the way home from the shop today where I purchased it, it stalled a couple of times with the clutch fully in. Its like it runs out of effort :dunno It will idle in nuetral but I suspect this is *only just* and seems...
  16. GrahamRSVR

    Idle Speed adjustment

    Hi everyone again, Does anyone know how to adjust the idle speed on the 04/05 RSVR Factory. :confused The manual doesnt it a big secret as my zx6r had a wee wheel adjuster under the left hand side assuming its a more difficult task on this bike:jack
  17. T

    Idle Speed

    I noticed tonight that the idle speed varies a fair bit. When it's cold it's around 2k which you'd expect while it's warming up. However at one point it dropped to around 500 to the point the bike felt like it might cut out, but never did. A while later it was closer to 2k again. Any thoughts...