
Aprilia Forum

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  1. M

    hey guys carbon wrap is comin on heres a good pic of my seat pod

    here we go even i didnt think it would look as good
  2. M

    hey guys ive had to re-register

    hey peeps my last user name was lee phillips now its just lee so can any one who i added readd me ie pixie tash jason b etc oh n glad its back up n running
  3. Spideradco

    Hey from Las Vegas!

    Hey, this is my first post to say hello! I live in Las Vegas and enjoy riding here, but was 115 degrees yesterday making it a bit harsh. I have a cherry 03 RSVR in black and an 07 Ducati Monster S4Rs in pearl/red. I've been riding for many years, mostly sport bikes, but have owned a Harley...
  4. rsvsteve

    Hey Sprocker !!

    Have you seen this one on ebay.....not trying to tempt you but those cans do look nice on that YELLOWbeast :devious:thumbup http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2000-APRILIA-MILLE-RSV-1000_W0QQitemZ250217360847QQihZ015QQcategoryZ9913QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem :thumbup
  5. Wyn's Dad

    Hey, I got my Blueflames ON!!!

    Blueflames are good!!!:thumbup:doug Also put carbon mudguard and hugger and black tinted screen What you think?:roll
  6. shannon

    Hey Doc

    Just came across this, thought you might be interested: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2007-RSVR-Factory-Demo-Full-Warranty_W0QQitemZ310002718915QQihZ021QQcategoryZ38627QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  7. Mizarc

    Hey got a new bike...opinions?

    Actually i just had it repainted. WHat do you guys think......It is a work in progress. Some minor touch ups needed now then the wheels are next. :biggrin