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  1. G

    carbon dash cover

    Will the carbon dash cover (tray like piece) from older rsvr mille fit my 2003 mille as I'm wanting to change the plastic one on my bike?
  2. G

    carbon dash cover

    Hi all. I want to replace the plastic dash cover on my 2003 rsv mille with a carbon one. Will a carbon dash from an older mille fit as they look the same to me?(The plastic tray type cover)
  3. G

    spanner light on dash

    bought a aprilia tuono 1000r last week from a main dealer 100 miles away lol the spanner lught has came on ? is this a service light, can i do something to turn it off? many thanks
  4. R

    no start on dash

    recently changed my spark plugs from standard to iridium everything was good then one night went to start her up and was turning over but would not catch and start and now everytime try to start her up i get a no start message appear on the dash. Has anyone else had this problem, any help...
  5. P

    Dash buttons

    Hi all, Picked up my new to me 2002 RSV Mille last night and first run back home was a cool 160 miler home from Liverpool. Have to say really enjoyed it. What a leap forward to my Triumph T 595! Sorry for first post to be a problem but a least it's minor. The R and D buttons on the dash...
  6. S

    Headlight dash lamp staying on and ECU-Disconnect error message

    Hi When riding my 2007 Touno R today the headlamp dash indicator started to flicker on and off intermittently when i was accelerating hard.Suddenly the headlamp dash lamp stayed on.At the same time i got other messages like arrow left then arrow right with a bulb icon in the middle.Then i got a...
  7. V-twindude

    Full battery, turn key, thumb start, blank dash? HELP

    Hi, Just returned to my bike after a lay off, connected up a charged battery, turned the key, dash lit up, clutch in, thumbed start button, dash goes blank, no start. Turned the key off, red key immobiliser light blinks as usual, turn on key and dash is blank, with occasional flicker of red...
  8. B

    ST dash Icons

    Hi all, Just got My first Tuono 2008 R model. wow what bike. I have a question about the ST dash Icons. What are they? I don't know if they have something to do with Sport or Touring modes like on the Shiver or some other purpose. I have had two other Ape's one a 2000.5 Mille and a 2002...
  9. B

    wonky dash / electrics

    Hi all. When I switch on my bike the dash display says Diag 0, as soon as I start to open the throttle it changes to Diag 1, shut throttle, back to 0 again. When I remove the 30 amp fuse under the seat that runs the fuel pump the dash works perfectly, but obviously the bike won't run. Any ideas...
  10. K

    service on dash

    hi guys need a bit of help. the service symbol and the word service are on, on the clocks....how do i get rid of them.cheers kev
  11. R

    dash bulb

    hi all, my speedo light has blown and the dealer wants £16.65 for a new bulb as the holder comes with it, crazy prices, is there a mod for this or do i have to part with yet more hard cash,thank you.
  12. D

    Dash: Idiot lights fecked

    any ideas boys from the back end of last year idiot lights, fuel warning light, N,Indicator, High beam on dash dulled down a bit, now none work at all... Rest of dash is fine, display is good speed ,tacho all fine just the warning lights:no Also does this come into an MOT??? I dont think it does...
  13. T

    Service flashes up on dash

    Anyone know about this the service sign flashes on and it seems to go to a safe mode on a 08 tuono only happened twice I've reset the service on the dash but I'm not sure that's definitely gonna fix it anyone come across this before?
  14. T

    Digital Dash Functions

    Thought this might be of some use to people as it is for me....for some reason my bike came with service history but no manual :( Resetting the service light Key on Press Lap and R for 5 seconds Switching KM/H to MPH Key on Press A about 5 seconds until blinking Press...
  15. 2TROKE

    Blue led dash bulbs/Motobatt MBTX12U best price?!

    Ok I know this has been stickied with white led strips using blue tint film from the USA but I was not to keen on the lighting throw onto the dash screen..................... So I have ordered a set of these....10x blue led twist dash bulbs off ebay (only a couple of quid to experiment with)...
  16. W

    Dash for 04 RSVR.

    Have an electrical fault in mine which caused speedo to zero out and ignition failure because sender was not timing the injectors to ignition. If you know how to fix this or have a new or second hand dash for sale drop me a line.
  17. S

    Dead Dash ! Any Suggestions ?

    Hi all, I have had my Tuono sitting in the garage for over a year now unregistered and not working due to the dash dying after being caught out in the rain. I removed it the next day and attempted to dry it out but no luck. Does anybody have any clues on how to fix it without having to fork...
  18. jazza

    No dash lights, winds over but no start

    G'day! Having a bizarre moment with my 05 RSV: I rode it only four days ago with no problem whatsoever. Today I went to go for a blurt and when I went to start it the dash was blank. The fuel pump made its whirring sound when I turned the Key into 'run', and it cranked over with plenty of...
  19. F

    Can't select the any "trip" on '07 Factory dash?

    very annoying seems the middle button "V/" on my '07 Factory is not working.... Therefore I can't select the trip that I zero each time I fill my tank up (often!). Both the + and - buttons work fine (well at the moment). Any thoughts or is this classic Italian electronics:jack! Thanks.
  20. Wills9

    Resetting the service spanner on the dash.

    Hi Guys Not been on for a while. Just had the 6k service indicator spanner come on on my 09 Tuono. Will be doing this service myself, and want to switch the spanner off. I have seen it mentioned here before. Anyone know the sequence to reset it. Cheers