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  1. M

    Caponord Rally 2015

    Well I've looked at some of the reports and photographs and (for me) Aprilia seem to have just tried to make the beautiful Caponord 1200 look as ugly as a BMW GS. Am I wrong?
  2. C

    Down sides of a caponord ??

    I'm looking of a new bike , and this weekend I took out a caponord and I was quite impressed. I've now ridden all the major adventure bikes and the caponord is up with the best. Could of questions though, are their any down sides, compared to say and explorer or gs 1200 and can you fit a flip...
  3. S

    Caponord multimedia platform

    Any one know how to fix amp and where to fix
  4. M

    New Calsci Touring windshield for Caponord

    Available now in four sizes. Aprilia Caponord Windshields
  5. T

    Caponord 12000 tank bag

    I am wondering what is everybody doing for a tank bag ? I know that Aprilia offers one, I would like to see a picture of it, but I was wondering if anybody managed to use an existing aftermarket one.
  6. A

    Rsv owner considering 03 Caponord

    Hi Guys, I'm a happy 08 rsv owner looking at an 03 Caponord for sale. Googled reviews and sounds like this model has some serious fork issues, anyone modify one of these and how much success did you have? At 57 yrs young I've been running around the backroads of Marin & Sonoma counties for years...
  7. J

    Caponord 1200 thinking about it

    Hi, I posted this in another forum so sorry if you have seen it before. I am stalking the Caponord 1200 and have some questions that would be great if owners could answers. Fairing and screen – can this bike cruse for hours at 70+ (autobahn ;-) ) without bufferting. If not does an aftermarket...
  8. D

    Caponord 1200 Headlights

    Hi, New to the forum, bought a year old demo model about 6 weeks ago. Rode in the dark for the first time last week, the dipped beam was quite impressive albeit set a little high, but when you switch on main beam, the two dipped bulbs go out, and centre bulbs comes on. You can see things lit up...
  9. D

    Would you buy an ex-demo Caponord?

    Considering buying a Caponord but a new one is well above my budget. There however several ex-demo bikes on the market at the moment which, whilst still pushing the boundaries of my budget, may be achievable. So was just wondering about the pros and cons of buying an ex-demo, i.e., should be...
  10. Z

    Calling all Caponord 1200 owners~

    Hi guys, Will be getting one soon if all goes well but then I would like to know the feedback you have on your Caps 1200. At least i 'll be prepare when this beast strikes. Thanks guys. Rgds, Zaba European Bikes Noob
  11. M

    caponord Fuel Range

    My new Caponord has completed 800kms and is only achieving a fuel range of 220kms on a full tank. Has anyone else had similar experience with high fuel consumption.
  12. S

    Caponord or Tiger Sport??

    Gidday gang, yes I'm aware I'm on an Aprilia site, but really wondered whether anyone has test ridden both the new 2013 tiger and the 2013 Caponord and what was the outcome? The Caponord has the extra electric suspension goodies, but down under the price disparity is quite high, 24k vs 17k...
  13. W

    Greetings from 2001 Caponord Hell !!

    Hi to all, well love them or hate them they always demand your attention. I own a 2001Caponord with less than 16k miles on the clock and a wiring harness made of........ Well I am not sure but it is definitely not wire which conducts electricity.... Somebody please tell me I have made the right...
  14. P

    2004 caponord engine missfiring problem

    Hi all please can anyone help. I have just bought a caponord 2004 with 24000 miles on the clock. The bike runs sweet most of the time untill you open it up the I seems to cough a few times then pull ok. Doing motorway speeds very smooth with the occasonal cough but push it toward three figures...
  15. M

    Caponord Windshield

    Hi guys, I'm interested in making a windshield for this bike. The stock shield was apparently blessed by the Pope, judging from the price. Anyone here interested in loaning me a stock shield? You get a free touring shield later. Send me an email please.
  16. V

    Sticky Clutch on a 2002 Caponord

    Hi: Looking for ideas to solve a sticky clutch on a 2002 Capo. It clunks going into first gear and sometimes hard to find neutral. The back wheel spins in gear when on the centre stand with the clutch lever pulled in. I've changed and bled the clutch fluid and adjusted the grub screw on the...
  17. V

    Speedometer cuts out on a 2002 Caponord

    Hi: New to the thread and forum: Just bought a 2002 Caponord, great bike! Have one major issue in that the speedo cuts out after 30mph. The sensor is all covered with silicon so I guess it's the cause of the cut-out? I checked the price for new ones and they are not cheap but someone said...
  18. E

    02 caponord - What to fix off the bat?

    Hey Guys - just bought a beautiful 02' Capo and I'm taking it on a 1000 mile trip a couple days after I pick it up. I've read about the issues that might strike this bike and wanted to see if there are thoughts or a good list of pre-emptive fixes to make right off the back. What do you think...
  19. chip

    First impressions on the new Aprilia Caponord?

    Yes, the new Aprilia Caponord is still very new... but from what you've seen so far, what are your initial impressions?
  20. chip

    2013 Aprilia Caponord 1200 Tech Specs

    2013 Aprilia Caponord 1200 Tech Specs Engine type Aprilia V90 four-stroke longitudinal 90° V-twin engine, liquid cooled, double overhead camshaft with mixed gear/chain timing system, four valves per cylinder. Fuel Unleaded petrol Bore and stroke 106 x 67.8 mm Total engine capacity 1197 cc...