
Aprilia Forum

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  1. D


    I have just checked my 04 Bulbs, and I have 4x H11 Osram bulbs. Are these standard or they after market add on's. I though the Aprilia had H7's, but mine are definately H11.:confused

    LED brake bulbs?

    Just finding out if anyone is using an LED rear brake bulb? What size would I need and what colour? has anyone got any ebay links etc? I know AMB67 has a cool flashing rear brake but i cant use them here in France as the rozzers are :dunno? thanks Tim
  3. D

    all three headlight bulbs at once?

    Is it possible for all three to go at once or is it just a fuse that needs replcing? ta.
  4. RSV_Ecosse

    Chome 12v/10w indicator bulbs: Where to buy?

    Well, the other day out for a run, I heard a scraping noise coming from the rear of the bike so pulled over and stopped. Rear left indicator was missing and the noise was being caused by the wires hanging down and getting trapped between the edge of the hugger and the tyre. Fook knows when it...