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  1. dazwolny

    very cheap sadly 3 weeks late lol

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/270803143528?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 always the case somthing cheaper comes up bargine for someone
  2. bryanthegoat

    Scottish Ride OOOT 3

    Alreet peeps ,I know i don't belong here any more but i still wanted to get a ride oot sorted cause the last one failed i feel i have unfinished buisness with this thing and also have sounded this out with a couple of forum members but as i now own a triumph how would you's feel about a double...
  3. Moggi

    The 3 screws......

    ......that attach the throttle linkage to the throttle bodies :roll
  4. P

    3 in 1 white lithium grease

    I plan to grease the dogbone needle bearings at the weekend. Does onyone know if the 3 in 1 white lithium grease in aerosol form would be suitable. halfords sell it for around £5 a tin. if not, can someone suggest an alternative which is readily available off the shelf. Thanks Porgie
  5. Moggi

    Datatool System 3 removal?

    Want to get shot of it and have traced where it hooks up to the loom but is it just a case of cutting the connections or does it have to be done in a certain sequence? :dunno
  6. apriliamoto

    Datatool Series 3 Alarm and 2x fobs

    Just removed this from my bike, I frequently go in and out of my garage and it does my head in constantly beeping when I touch or breath near it. Doesnt help with the lack of space! I had it removed correctly by an auto electricitan and its currently sitting in service mode. Does anyone want thi...
  7. apriliamoto

    UK: Power Commander 3 USB for RSV 01-03

    Had this fitted to my RSV but dont need it. Comes with Installation CD and long USB cable. Was fitted to an 02 model and ive had it working on the latop etc. Removed as tbh im happy with it as it stands. Might work with <01 but I dont know for sure. £135 posted in the UK?
  8. B

    Pilot Road 3's

    Well I've bitten the bullet and decided to go for some Pilot Road 3's on the old Tuoldo. Was going to go with the Sportmarts but for £8 difference thought I'd give the new Michelins a bash. Anyone got a set on theirs. I know the tread pattern isn't to everyones taste but for the speeds we...
  9. P

    Power commander 3 usb

    Anybody got one for a 2001 model ?,pm me if you have thanks And if you know anyone that wants a p/c usb for a ZX12R ive got one for sale as well as a g-pak over 3 thanks
  10. A

    Husqvarna Mille 3 Concept

    The following article comes from Asphalt & Rubber to view the full article please visit asphaltandrubber.com. Unveiled at EICMA today, Husqvarna has brought to the Italian motorcycle show a special three-cylinder concept motorcycle dubbed the Husqvarna Mille 3 Concept. Using three Husqvarna...
  11. Asphalt & Rubber

    Husqvarna Mille 3 Concept

    The following article comes from Asphalt & Rubber to view the full article please visit asphaltandrubber.com. Unveiled at EICMA today, Husqvarna has brought to the Italian motorcycle show a special three-cylinder concept motorcycle dubbed the Husqvarna Mille 3 Concept. Using three Husqvarna...
  12. RSVkwackers

    Power Commander 3 - 98-03 RSVMille(R)

    power commander 3 for sale......£100 ono delivered. grab a bargain....pm or post here with any questions:thumbup
  13. V

    DataTool 3 Immobiliser - Grrrr

    Ive got the system 3 installation instructions here somewhere,& I need them at the moment to find the ' trigger' wire so I can setup a second blipper,they are not to bad to bypass,a wire for the solinoid & one for the fuel pump
  14. RSVkwackers

    power commander 3 fitting question?

    if i fit my power commander 3 and run it with a zero map does that just run the std fuel mapping or does it run what ever fuel map thats being sent from the chip/eprom? i have my pc3 which i can fit but i still have a few more mods i'd like to get out of the way before i get a custom map. was...
  15. C

    PC 3 USB Power Commander map 03 Edwards replica?

    Hi, Anyone got a Power commander map for a 2003 Colin Edwards Replica with twin Akra SBK exhausts, SBK chip and 57mm tb's? checked the PC database and none mention 57mm tb's ta, Jack
  16. T Virus

    3 yellow wires to the R&R !?

    would it cause a problem if they were accidentley mixed... though im 95% certain they weren't !? :confused
  17. dakar

    datatool system 3 FOB

    If anybody has a spare, let me know......... Cheers Dave :thumbup
  18. T Virus

    YAY... got me bike bike after 3 months !! :-)

    stalled it 3 times trying too pull away aswell !! :biggrin having ridden a ER6N & CBF6 for the last 3 months... i felt like iv never ridden my RSV before !! :eek: swung my leg over... clipped the seat... so swung it higher... now sitting on the seat i felt like i was on a trial bike... so...

    More RSV Pics Part 3

    Just some more I have found ps Do people have interest in my Pics threads? NERA :inlove:inlove
  20. M

    Power Commander 3 For Sale. Came from 02 RSVR

    As the above. I bought this as I was going to put my Akro Full system on the bike. The Akro system is now sold so the PC3 will be going as well before i out my bike up for sale soon. For those fo you not up to speed with these it is currently set up for the Akro system but it can very easily...