Aprilia Forum

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  1. andirsv1

    OZ wheels for '00 model

    As above please!!!!
  2. S

    98 - 00 parts

    Brand new light tint flip screen £45 posted and a brand new dark tint headlight cover £25 posted or take both items for £65 posted sorry for the crap pic, i cant find my digi cam! cheers :)
  3. D

    98 - 00 Fairing parts

    Ok so been going through my garage and I've got stuff I don't need as its doubles and triples of everything. Thought I'd put it up hear before it goes on the bay. So there's a fibreglass fairing set (i.e. nosecone - great condition, side fairings - fair condition and bellypan - fair condition)...
  4. andirsv1

    Will this clean up and fit my '00 model??

    Unsure whether Carbon can "clean up" as this looks a bit dirty but is it worth an offer??????? Cheers. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=120362652243&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=002
  5. Looney Tunes

    Differences between the 00 and 02

    Keep seeing all these Rsv's for sale and it's like being a fat kid in a sweet shop:confused For the average blerk, is there really a lot of difference between the 00 and 02 models? I've read there were 200 odd modifications, better riding position, little bit more grunt from the motor and of...
  6. tantrum

    Stock '00 RSV Rear Shock Settings?

    Was just about to have a run out today and thought I would see how far off stock suspension settings the previous owner had run the bike on. Looked in the Haynes manual for rear compression setting and it says between 35-45 clicks out - problem is my shock only has around 35 clicks max...
  7. T

    Post All '98, '99 & '00 RSV|R Pictures In Here:
