Thats the one:doug
No mate not a recorder a player,thought i could watch a film waiting for you:nana
It was ****** **** aswell mate!!!:dougWe would much rather sit here and rib someone that talk about Andy and his DVD,
Kev, did you see Andys DVD, it was called Andy ***** Enfield!:thumbup
Is that when you left your mates,straight line rider...uke
sorry I was only at the back once, and that was because i was waiting for AMB67 on his blue shed with funny rad covers, dont forget thats not a real ackro its a plastic wanabe with a sticker.
By Copy AMB67, do you want to buy an extention for your can....I have some spare guttering.:thumbup
Know i now your talking about Alan Mr Benson, thats not very nice :eatcorn
Andy ive just PM you mate !!
(read it)
Who the **** is jack?
Sorry,can you wait for me next time...:dougWell sought of but the real Rsv's had no trouble keeping up mate.Does the yamomto thingie need a service or shall i slow down for Ya :biggrin
Don't worry about ignoring mate,we do all the time.:nanaOh yeah, just seen the PM's mate. Sorry, wasn't ignoring you.
PS. You know I'm only joking, not like those other buggers hey!!
You goin...:laugh:laugh:laugh
I was at the back picking all the bits that fell off your shed!!!
You buggers all going for a ride then?
Doh!! My bikes still in bits, you could have told me!!!
You havent taken it apart again have you?
I fancy a ride to Boxhill the long back way round on Sunday Morning....anyone fancy it?