who likes what sound?

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Jul 29, 2007
morden, surrey
hi everyone, i havent put a thread on here for a while so thought i'd pick peoples brains for a bit!

my question is this, who likes what sound?
the choices are,

Rsv 99-02
Rsv factory 04-07
or Ducati 748-916-996 or 998

and why do you like that particular sound? :thumbup:biggrin
are we talking standard pipe or with race can because the same bike can sound so different with different cans
we are talking about race cans, either full systems or slip ons, take your pick! :biggrin:thumbup
I've been listening to 1098s and other Dukes all last week and, as I said in another post, can't get past that bunch of pencils in a washing machine dry clutch sound. Exhaust-wise, RSVs are much more of a proper V-twin sound.
i personally like rs3milles renegades, or my current renegade on my rsv, i like the twin termis on the dukes just as much tho!:biggrin
Dukes do sound different and has a more rythmic sound i think than the unusual v60 of the Aprilia. But then thats what sets it apart and possibly part of why they did it in the first place.

1098 has a wet clutch now by the way and from 999 onwards had acoustic covers but for some reason Ducati owners like fitting a dry clutch conversion and making it sound on the verge of destruction again. Never quite understood the logic in that one.

My Arrows sound sweet on full chat in the Pyrenees valleys and tunnels so that's my fav at the moment.
I know what your saying about the whole wet an dry clutch thing. i think the dry clutch gives the duke its distinctive sound. in any case i've got the best of both worlds,i have a 99 rsv and a duke too:biggrin:thumbup:biggrin
Dukes do sound sweet, but not the clutch rattle.
Well into my Tigs even with the db killers in they sound sweet. Great without mind :eatcorn
My twin high level renegades on full chat and the spitting and burbling after :thumbup

dry clutch for me on dukes, i dont know why , just like it :eatcorn
Love V twins - my mille with the Giannellis on sounds lovely and bonkers with the baffles off, buuuuut , there's something about the dry clutch rattling away thrown into the mix on the Duke's so that gets no1 spot for me....just :thumbup
Most V-Twins sound good, some better than others depending on pipes etc blah blah blah..:pirate Of course i really dig the sound my 02 puts out on the throttle and rolling orf it. :inlove
This Trumpy with its Arrows sounded very nice indeed on song down the main straightaway Sunday.

Used to like my '04 RSVR with twin Akras, but now much prefer '03 Mille with race Akra, as I think it needs re-packing so sounds VERY throaty...But have to say I like the sound of most V-Twins
Ok ok, with all the comments so far, i'll make it abit easier, any rsv, any year, including factorys an tuonos. and dukes from any year too :thumbup

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