IanRob......yes it took 2 hand to remove, yes i put in as far it would go, i just dont know what's wrong, i'll try it again on her laptop but i'm not expecting it to work
Not sure I'll look at again, I just didnt want to break it
Did you buy the proper connector or can you fudge it somehow?
I did my own...two cabels and a 9v battery and it worked fine
So ian1 try to use a 9v battery...yes i can be wrong but it worked for me.
When you say press it in, I take it you mean the round bit that goes round the wire.....I take it there's a blade of some kind in it much the same as a scotchlock (sp lol)
Rob, it's not a proper scotchlock "block" as I've used before, it's round, and about 1" long and 1/4 " wide and the round bit at the top that the wire's inside...I'll have another look tommorow
I emailed Dynotec and said what was happenening so I'll hopefully hear from them this week and see if they can shed any light on it