Water pump weeping

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Mar 16, 2018
Hello again. I have just taken my 1st Gen Mille for a shakedown run. I have just drained the oil and cleaned the engine as I suspected the bike had been overfilled prior to my delivery of it in March.

After refilling and checking the levels I took it for a run and then after a night left alone I took the fairings off and had a look. All clear on the cases and apparently no oil leaking..result.

However the weep hole to the coolant pump looks to be a bit wet, unfortunately I didn’t see if it was oil or coolant. It was meticulously clean before. If it is the whole water pump seal shebang it’s a bit of a nightmare but I’ll Roll up my sleeves again.

My question is however.....

Is it a different process depending on whether it’s oil or coolant escaping? Does it have to be mechanical seal/shaft etc..and clutch cover off for either fluid?

Many thanks

Most of the engines ive seen so far seem to have this feature. A water feature if you will :) if it's not much, then i wouldnt bother with it unless you are really worried about it. If it was me i'd just keep an eye on it for a while and if it doesnt get any worse, probably best left alone.
Hooray! A reply....cheers mate, I was starting to think it was in the ‘too hard’ category.

I have bought the bits, although wemoto are the only people who have bothered their arse to send them.

Apriliagenuineparts.co.uk took my order for the oil seal on the 22nd and charged me £10 for the postage. On a 2p sized rubber seal. It still hasn’t arrived 5 days later. I will not be using them again.

As for the mechanical seal I have ordered the water pump shaft assembled from can am in America. Obviously still waiting for that too. I’ll try and do a pictorial write up if the bits ever arrive.
nature of forums mate :) i'm still waiting for parts from aprilia myself. i think they send them by donkey via kasakhstan or something. and the prices are criminal. but yes do let us know what turns up, might have to do mine at some point
Hooray! A reply....cheers mate, I was starting to think it was in the ‘too hard’ category.

Not too hard, just a not very used forum in the Aprilia community so not many see it.

Make sure you de burr the shaft before fitting the new seal or it will weep again. Aprilia are very poor at doing it at the factory hence why many have always had a tiny weep from new.
Yeah, I’ve been reading up. It seems like a bit of a faff.

I’m gonna try the shrink wrap over the threads trick. I cancelled my order with the Aprilia genuine parts place, they still hadn’t sent it! Five days after taking the order.. “if you read the website we do say 5 to 10 days” for £10 it should be here next day imho.

Lame. Ordered it over the phone from onyerbike..cheaper too.
I finished the pump seal job ages ago, I took a load of pictures as it wasn’t hard at all. Just took a while as you have to drain everything from the rads and the engine. Once I work out how to post photos I’ll do a write up.

If this happens to you don’t panic. I fixed mine with no specialist tools at all in a garage with no power or lights. There are a lot of scaremongerers on the forums about the water pump seal job.

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