uprated clutch slave cylinder

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Well now lads, thanks to spoonz, you own one of the best clutch slave piston cylinders on the market today. Best of british fitting them and enjoy that smooth positive clutch. Pretty confident you won't be disappointed. :thumbup
I now hold in my hands a beautiful piece of red bling. many thanks spoonz, you are a god for all things aprilia. if and when our roads meet, i owe you a beer.
one very happy MPL owner:thumbup
:biggrinGot mine today as well....going to have a go at fitting it this weekend.

Thanks again Spoonz!!
Received mine this morning, many thanks to spoonz for all your hard work, top fella, thanks again. :thumbup
Thankyou sir Spoonz! Got mine and fitted in 25 min. Hardest bit was seperating the old slave from the spacer. Water had got in there and caused a bit of corrosion. Will try to test ride later time permitting. Thankyou once again, and keep us posted on what other bits you can do from MPL. I fancy some black frame plugs.
Fitted and test ridden. big difference, noticeably lighter feel, hope now not to have to bleed it continuously.:thumbup
Cheers Spoonz, mine turned up today.:thumbup

Looks fab, will be fitting this weekend.:inlove

What are these frame plugs like then, got any piccies?
To those of you that have had the time to fit your new slaves a couple of questions:

Do you need to remove any of the fairing or is it possible to do the whole thing with the fairing untouched?

Is it best to disconnect the fluid line with the old slave still in situ or is it better to unbolt the old slave and then disconnect the line? What do you do to stop the fluid running everywhere when you disconnect the line?

Apologies if the answers are really obvious. :dunno
Have a ganders on the MPL site mate, they look great and fill the holes in the frame like the swing arm pivot point. Looks like the allen bolt in the centre is used to squeeze two parts together thus forcing the 'o' ring to grip the sides of said holes. ow er misses!
Colinpp, i did remove the fairing side just to give a little more room to work. I loosened off the banjo bolt with the old slave still tight. Then removed slave, and had a little trouble seperating the slave from the spacer behind it. there is a small notch that you can use a small srcewdriver in to help pry it apart. Then clean the pushrod and i used some silicon grease on the end and sides of the rod. This is friendly to the oil seal in the end of the new slave. Re assemble new slave and spacer on the bike and tighten evenly the 3 bolts. Now put a tray under the bike and undo the banjo bolt off the old slave. Next to no oil will come out as air cant get in at the lever. Put new washers on the banjo and fit to new slave. I did fill the slave before fitting the banjo with fluid just to have some in there. Now bleed the whole lot including the bleed on the master cylinder. Good luck, it is an easy job to do.

Thanks for the update,as you say it seems quite simple. I'm certainly going to give it a go. Is silicon grease easy to get hold of at somwhere like Halfords?

I've just been looking at the frame bungs on the MPL site and my credit card is twitching! Lets hope that Spoonz can sort us out another deal.
Dont think Halfords do it mate. Any plumbers merchants sell it, it is used to lubricate plastic pipe fittings ( speedfit, Hep2o etc) Got mine from PTS. I know Plumbase sell it as well.
Colinpp, just seen your in Cheltenham. Fancy meeting up some time for a spin on the old girls?

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