uprated clutch slave cylinder

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Could I join it on this too....?

I just join this forum and found this today.

I'm also in sydney, australia.
Any problem with that?

Neil if you need more time to raise the money i have no problem ordering you one as long as you are deffo committed to it down the line.

£90 paypal this morning for a gold one.
Hope your ready to answer all the HOW DO I BLEED MY CLUTCH threads :lol
Thanks again Spoonz :thumbup
Spoonz, just sent £90 across via Paypal.

What did Uli's big boss say then?

Let me know if you don't get the payment.

Cheers for doing this, now that I have sorted out my handling all that's left is my ever bleeding clutch.
haven't spoken to the MPl boss yet.

they said Friday pm or monday

any newcomers wanting slaves you have till late monday to get payment to me if you want to join the group purchase
This is where we are so far with money and colours

NeilB - Gold - paid
Amb67 - Silver - Paid
Davos - ? - Paid (need your colour Davos)
Sergio - silver - Paid
Sonic - Red - Paid
Caterpillar - Black - Paid
Agreat1 - Red - Paid
Colinpp - Silver -paid
Tin Tin - black - paid
ark2001 -Silver - Paid
hooked - Gold - cheque en route
Garin - Black - Paid
Heroblob - Red - Paid

Richmond Rossi has emailed he is away for the weekend so he is in.

Any more for any more ?
I reckon people would appreciate a How To on this upgrade as I wouldnt mind doing it but scared that I would shag it up lol
It's not a hard job at all.

I will post a how to if needed when they arrive. Don't be scared of it though cos it's not hard.
Thats great Spoonz

Im just scared of having a "one of these jobs" thats normally takes an Hour that lasts all day and then it is worst than before I started. lol
It is held on by 3 bolts so mechaincally it couldn't be easier. The most challenging job is bleeding the fluid once you have fitted it.

Even that is usaully fairly easy and if you get yourself a little syringe and a bit of pipe even easier still. As you know air rises so if you can bleed it bottom up with pressure from a syringe then job done pretty easily.
Are we all done for Mpl Slaves then ?

Spoke to them today.
Very long coversation about Aprilia and duke in general but basically Uk is one of the biggest markets for Ducati and Aprilia yet MPL have no official representation or contact point in the UK.

They are looking at me to be the UK contact point and try and raise awareness of the brand. That's MPL parts and another brand which is similar but more pattern parts rather than bling.
We are going to get together after my Spain trip.
This is where we are so far with money and colours

NeilB - Gold - paid
Amb67 - Silver - Paid
Davos - ? - Paid (need your colour Davos)
Sergio - silver - Paid
Sonic - Red - Paid
Caterpillar - Black - Paid
Agreat1 - Red - Paid
Colinpp - Silver -paid
Tin Tin - black - paid
ark2001 -Silver - Paid
hooked - Gold - cheque en route
Garin - Black - Paid
Heroblob - Red - Paid

Richmond Rossi has emailed he is away for the weekend so he is in.

Any more for any more ?

Hi Spoonz, just sent £90.00 via paypal, hope im not to late, didnt get back until midnight last night, if you require any more ££££££s, just let me know, thanks again mate. :thumbup
Are we all done for Mpl Slaves then ?

Spoke to them today.
Very long coversation about Aprilia and duke in general but basically Uk is one of the biggest markets for Ducati and Aprilia yet MPL have no official representation or contact point in the UK.

They are looking at me to be the UK contact point and try and raise awareness of the brand. That's MPL parts and another brand which is similar but more pattern parts rather than bling.
We are going to get together after my Spain trip.

Sounds like it could be a nice little side line deal matey..their products are top shelf. I think you would have good sales. :thumbup
Yeah fingers crossed something comes out of it.
Uli did tell me the turnover they have in Germany alone and the uk is potentially a bigger market in terms of Ducati's and Aprilia's sold. They are just about to release a new slipper clutch for the rsv which has been race tested for 2 years.
He did say there is a V4 superbike launch in 2 weeks in Italy. So expect pics of that to appear soon.

Gary i got your money ok.

If anyone comes across Dave as in Davos69 i need to know his colour choice asap.
sorry I was away again. Money has just been sent, I hope im not too late
I want one two spoonz. Its a pinch. I'll PM you to sort out payment if i'm not too late.
ok I have sent the list including Gixerhowie (payment asap please) to Mpl. My wife is doing the transfer tomorrow cos i'm off to Spain on the bike.

I will be back early next week and will hopefully have slaves or impending news then.

Davos i didn't have a colour for you so i'm going with silver as it's neutral.

Catch you soon.

Thanks for sorting this out for all of us and have a safe trip!:doug

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