Love the T its the best bike for a 6ft 4 .110 kg
Big boy that I have ever ridden.
Cumffu as sitting on my arm chair
And can still spinn it up if you feal like it.
Just got back from a ride with the misses
And we are both still not acking or cramped up
Or eny discumfurt at all carnt say that with eny
Of my other bikes
And I hated it for the first few days
Now im loving it ye loving it man
Big boy that I have ever ridden.
Cumffu as sitting on my arm chair
And can still spinn it up if you feal like it.
Just got back from a ride with the misses
And we are both still not acking or cramped up
Or eny discumfurt at all carnt say that with eny
Of my other bikes
And I hated it for the first few days
Now im loving it ye loving it man