Options... Opinions ... Ummm Help :P

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Dec 11, 2009
Some quick backstory. I have had my Tuono from 2006 . Bought it when it was 3 months old after i sold my 6 month old Gsxr 1000 . Now 10 years later i still have it and still love it . I have had my trials and tribulations with it but its one of the few bikes thats still thrills me when i ride it .

But even though its still low mileage im getting older and i fancy a change . I tested the new (when it came out 2011) V4 which i loved but at the time i felt the 13k price was abit much and wasnt overly keen on the colors .

Fast forward to 2016 and her indoors has given the green flag for a new bike to bought 2017 . So i have a few contenders . The new V4 factory.. Love the looks and from what i have heard its a step up from the original V4 . The ktm 1290 , Love its still a twin.. like the looks and loved the older superduke but didnt buy one as i felt it wasnt quick enough . I think the 1290 fixes that . Mt10 ... hmmm Not a Yam lover , Only ever had Rd's and wasnt impressed with the previous R1's but i have a look at one and im pretty impressed. Still to ride one (in fact all of them ) but i will over the next few weeks .

I tried the Kwak z1000sx when i tried the original V4 . Is this worth a revisit ? I did like it but it was abit soft and didnt feel sharp enough . Has it changed for 2016 ? After selling the Gsxr i always wished they made a naked version with that stonking engine but anyone tried the GSX-s1000 ? Not 100% sure on the looks and also not sure if the 140 bhp would still cut it against my main 3 choices .

Is there any other choices im missing as its a large investment and probably something i will keep till i hang up my boots so want to try and get something i love as much as my Tuono . I think deep down i will get the V4 factory but i feel it only fair to see what else is out there before i make the choice

Luckily enough I tried all of the bikes above before buying the V4.

KTM 1290r was a brilliant bike, turned it fast and had loads of torquey power, but lacked any sophistication, was incredibly expensive and wasnt quite the "beast" i was expecting.

GSXS was a little boring, lacked the power of the other bikes, and it had absolutely no exclusivity. On the plus side its cheap, but thats due to it having a very outdated engine and electronics.

Z1000 i found was too soft, and i got off it feeling let down again.

Triumph(i know its not on your list) speed triple, great bike, responsive, moderate price, bit like riding a tractor though, and theres 10 to the dozen on the roads.

Cant comment on the Yam... Yet.

And then theres the V4, within 30 miles i fell in love, it handles great, power is great, shares v twin and inline 4 characteristics, has brilliant electronics (APRC) and the exclusivity sold it for me.

At the end of it, i was sold on the KTM until the Ape came along, i wouldve been happy on either one, try a couple test rides as that will definitely settle it!
Yer might want to have a go on that bmw naked.

I know an ex Tuono fud who loves the performance it gives, it's expensive but not stupid money.
I had the same dilemma owned a 2007 V2 Tuono from new and fancied a change this year. MT 10 wasn't released, BMW s 1000r looks like its been punched in one eye and that radiator!, Kawasaki looks like something out of Judge Dred or mad max, Triumph never floated my boat, GSXS didn't want one but great value for money, so I got the factory 1100 v4 but couldn't part with my V2 or my 09 R1 :thumbup
Bollox! I forgot about the S1000r, I've seen them around, and I do quite like the idea of Factory installed heated grips and cruise control.

Decent money too, Think you can get a bike thats a couple years old for about £10k.
I test rode the S1000R and didn't get on with it personally, too much having to scream it to get anywhere compared to the torque of a V-Twin

But I used to have a BMW K1200R, that is a great bike :)

Around 160BHP (more with some mods) very comfy, (heated grips as standard) goes like a train!

I would get a K1300R in a heart beat, but running costs aint cheap, its around £100 an hour just for BMW to look at it!

But worth thinking about ;)
If it's a case of just wanting a change then take your pick as they are all good bikes (but that Suzuki is a Munter) but if you love your T then keep it.
I was in a similar boat at the end of last year, having ridden a few of the bikes you have looked at but none of them really did it for me as they are stupidly quick but most of it is at the top end and just couldn't see it being worth the cost to change so instead have invested a portion of the cost to change into the V2 with the AP boys.
Ended up with a 1060 big bore, large bore headers, evo airbox, PC 5. Picked it up yesterday, had a quick 10 mile run on it but it just pulls from anywhere in the rev range, any gear and any speed. It's not a rabid animal but by christ it's got real road speed shove. I loaded it in the trailer but by the time I got it home everywhere was under water so hoping for a proper play tomorrow.
Next step is to rework the forks and upgrade the brakes (arse about face I know)
I think most of those bikes are pretty good but its about how they make you feel .
I went out on a forum ride with an ex tuono owner ... hes now on the beemer and every beemer owner there said **** that V4 sounds good .... you wont regret the v4 !!
Fugly , keep us informed on the 1060 cc mate I need something diff but love my 09 tuo v2 factory too much to change her ,!
I never got a chance to ride any of those bikes. Made the mistake of riding the Tv4r first. While I was at the dealer tho, the beauty and stance of the MV Agusta Brutale 1090 was very similar. Have you thought of that? Haven't been on that one either, had to quickly and discreetly wipe away a spot of drool. Lol.

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Lovely bikes, I researched them alot when I was looking for bikes too, If I remember it was only the fact that Parts availability was so poor and a dealer netowrk that crumbling away that really put me off.

When tested Side by side against the TV4 and a Speed triple, It was said to be the Lunatic bike, better than the Boring Triumph, but not as refined as the Tuono, It has a snatchy throttle which can take some getting used to but it has a very torqey engine.

Cant comment on reliability, But I think it should be OK, But id expect niggles as it is Italian.
I think you have to be brutally honest with yourself when deciding on bikes.
You have to ask " what am I going to use it for?"
In my case I went from an 06 Tuono ( I'd had it for 6 years, the longest I've ever owned a bike and fancied a change ).Due to my circumstances I only get the chance to get away on a bike a couple of times a year. I tend to do biggish miles (1000-3000) so need something to do that distance on whilst still being fun to ride.
I went from the t to a Triumph tiger 800 ( the sensible option ), did one trip to the TT and decided it had to go. It was good for the trip there but couldn't cut the mustard once there. I then part ex'ed that for a new blade which was a brilliant bike, if a little bland, but didn't get interesting until you were into three digit speeds. Fortunately I was able to do a straight swap for a 14 V4 with 600 miles on the clock and haven't looked back. I just need to swap the saddle for the factory ( on order ) and get a screen for the longer distances and then it'll be bob on. I can't be too bad as it is as I've already managed a 2500 mile trip with over a 1000 miles done in 19 hours in the bad storms that Europe experienced earlier this year.
Ok i nipped down to my local Bmw garage to see what was down there . I have already tried the K1300r and although quick i didnt like it . The chap suggested the 1000 xr and chucked me the keys .. rude not to ;) . Spent an hour on it and it handles great... very comfy and i guess quick enough but the brakes were crap and that buzz at 6k annoyed the feck out of me .

So since it was quiet he suggested the naked boxer . R1200 se thingy . I had always ignored these as old mans bike with no power but it looked kinda neat ...So why the hell not!! Well.. Dash sucks (compared the the sx) but feck me it was a load of fun .. Felt faster than the Tuono .. Torque everywhere in any gear . Quickshifter up and down and a right giggle to ride . Was really impressed with it . Great brakes..good handling and i just liked it . They do a Sports touring version with a 3/4 fairing that he is gonna get a demo bike in for me to try ... hmmmmm

Still on the list to try will be the new v4 .. The ktm and the Mt10 and maybe a brutal if i can find a demo .

Already tried the Trummpet and didnt like it. Much preferred the 675 over the big un . Maybe i should try the 1200 Ducatti
I think you have to be brutally honest with yourself when deciding on bikes.
You have to ask " what am I going to use it for?"

Couldn't agree more with this but I will add this The bike has to have some kerb appeal, I mean if you lift the garage door and it doesn't make you go f**k yeah your not going to ride it.
And that's why you have to be brutally honest......are you buying it for you...or are you buying to impress others?
I keep thinking about getting a new bike as I've had the Tuoldo for over 5 years but as happened today when I take it out I don't think there is much out there that would do the job much better for me. Might think about a gen 2 factory but they seem to have more issues compared to the gen 1.

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