tuono not charging battery

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Right last post on this subject,im getting 13/5 on tick over and when i rev the bike it drops down to 12/8 at about 6k revs,the output off the stator falls from 50-60vts down to 10plus,is this normal as i aint built it up yet completely for fear off have to rip,it down again incase its just not right,problem is over here we dont have to many good aprilia out lets to get the work,bloody backward place northern ireland
No output should not drop when you rev should rise, not sure what to advise but I think your new stator is faulty or your reg/rect is
Would this be connected up or when not connected,ie 3 wire not joined,at tick over sits dead on,but drops away down on rev up,might put old one back in and see
Well to be honest when I checked my new stator it was only putting out about 40volts but the bike as been fine for 400 miles so far
Was it 40vts on tick over and what was it on the rev,what were getting over the battery then ,im looking for data as thats the only way i will know it fixed properly,and i do that ya very much for the help,ill buy ya a beer,butby the time ya get it it would be none left in the glass,thanks
40volts at tickover ,did not check at revs as I was on a deadline to get it back together
At the battery 12.1 stopped ,13.8 at tickover,14.5 at 2k revs
Mines bout 12.7 stopped,13.6 on tick over and drops to about12.8 to 13.1 when getting revs,but ive no lights on it at the moment so might be abit less,ill try the 2k thing and see,ya think that sounds okm
Just check my mate tuono there,he's getting a little more volts in the battery,13/9 to my 13/6 and his goes down when reved as well,but when I check his stator volts and he revs his bike,his goes up to 60-70 volts,mines goes the other way tick over at 45-60 then down to 10 plus on the rev,is it possible that I have wired the stator wrong,so that mines is reversing the volts ,the stator I got was the 3 wire brown plug and my bike is the 5 wire round plug,my question is can ya wire the 3 yellow wires wrong,cheers
Just funny that it's gaving volts the wrong way at the plug,gonna build a loom and see,will put my findings up soon
As in the earlier posts,....check the output voltage of the stator at 4k rpm,....should be around 60v ac.
If the voltage is dropping as the revs rise,it could be a winding breaking down.Is the generator cover getting hot?
Checked the wire,put them every which way I could,never changed,never check the cover for heat,but it feels like the stator has been wound the wrong way,at idle it 45-60 volts and when ya rev,the volts go the wrong way,gonna put old stator back in and see were we go,as it was an earth which was the problem to start with,or send this one back for warranty repair,just the bloody time thing now

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