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Mar 6, 2015
Well I was on here the other night gobbing off about 25000 kms with out a single issue. Welcome to today, half way on my 70k voyage to work this morning my bike develops a miss, bit further down the road starts to break down under load and backfire on a closed throttle. Service code comes on and I find a spot to pull of the highway to investigate what code it has thrown. Shut down enter diagnostics low battery voltage is the code, sensational I've just shut down with out enough battery power to restart. Ring a mate, get it to work, test the battery and it's knackered, not to upset 8 year old bike and fairly certain that it was the original. New battery in a 135 bucks later, start her up straight away notice dash volt meter sitting below 12 volt. Grab a meter check the battery, the dash tell me no lies. Start digging, test a few things, decide to test the stator windings and output and it's rooted. Have ordered a replacement from the states as aprilia Australia wanted a 1000 bucks for it. Please tell me that 30000kms isn't the point at which the wheels fall off the mighty T.
The stator is common to go, fingers crossed with the new battery in you'll be fine.
Good luck
Yup, stator issues prior to mid-2008 models. There's a vin/serial number that marks when the issue was addressed at the factory, but sorry, don't have that info at hand. My 2008 Tuono fell below the magic number, so I'm assuming some down the road, my turn will come. I know I should just bite the bullet and address it now, but I'm such a lazy cheap fart, that ain't gonna happen. Good luck sir.
I'm sure once it's fixed the love affair will continue. Just hate being stranded on the highway. Apart from a puncture (hence the plug kit I never leave home without now) I've never been stuck on the side of the road or in the bush for 17 years
Hi Natetuono,
Sorry to hear your misfortune but at least it's a relatively easy fix.
My bike has few km's on it (5K miles) and this is in the back of my head so looking to put one on the shelf for the fateful day or next winter when I lay it up.
Isn't it crazy how I've not started riding the thing this year and I am already preparing for the breakdowns :no
Is a little strange. My has never missed a beat until about 10k short of where it stopped. I'm a heavy diesel fitter and an elec fitter by trade and I'm big into preventive maintenance , in this case no warning at all, no flat batteries, always started good. Just failed straight up
mine done the same nate 14,000 miles on the clock out on a bimble with GF and jnr when it started misfiring, luckily I managed to limp it home and get it sorted as we were due to head on a borders hoon the next day
Well not to bad an outcome new stator inbound from the states 229 dollars. Aprilia Australia wanted over a grand.
That's a good price.... post up a link please

May be in need of one myself & a genuine ape one is over £400 here...
Got it off the bay of e it's a Rick's hot shot stator the sellers name is deepcreekarticcat all reports I read about them is that they are a good quality thing
Yeah, looked at West Country windings site but they don't show prices.
Can buy a new pattern one from France for 149 euros with 12 months warranty so that could be an option too.
Hopefully test mine over the weekend and take it from there.
Seems like the same symptoms as when yours went Mr B, but only does it when it's warm.... so may be something else...
Just bought a multimeter and ran a few tests...

Ign Off 12.91v
Ig On 12.52v
Running 12.24v - then the longer it ran it slowly dropped to below 12v

Yanked the brown connector and at 4,000 revs i got:
1) 60v
2) 42v
3) 24v

Hmmm, guess thats chuffed then,

Westcountry rewind would be £126 in p/p etc

New pattern doofer from france would be about the same...... decisions decisions

Any other options out there ?

Oh, sorry for the thread hijack !!!
I would say it's fingered bud. My new one is 229 Aussie dollars to my door from the states, costing me about 50au for postage as I wanted it yesterday

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