Throttle sync/Valve lash/Clutch noise Problems.

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Anyone interested in AFReadings, this is a modified throttle body sent down to 15:1 AFR on cruise mode. The ape now runs a steady 14.9:1 if not sitting on 15AFR as lean as it comes. 16 AFR would be ideal. Maybe down the road some. When the ape is hacked to the other map, you can see the change turn rich to 14.2 or 14.3:1 AFR. Pretty interesting where now you have to ask yourself if you got sucked into buying a fuel cutter buy just changing to a louder pipe(s). The reader is in the meter is no lie. Come to your own conclusions.

Eyesore has yet to be hacked into... Stay tuned; for the smoothing has yet to begin. Notice how an air adjust and a mild hack displays how safe that bike runs with more air and more hack thrown at it. Disheer frog; aims for the jumpstomping throttle angle where no lily pad is safe in the pond.

:cheers My Red Stripe against yourat piss infested vinotune, [ANA]. May the better hack win. :lol
I'm going to have the bike set to map2 to confirm if I came to my own conclusion about the stuff the factory will not tell you sort of. The book throws bones at you. The rest you have to figure out or the tune goes to a dead end. And how many maps did mother sauce maker make for gen1? Watt a selection of fucups are those, Sì?
Is someone playing the troll here......?

wes... Prove it. Your assumptions will prove you look the first three letters if I start to ask you about bike specifics. What don't you understand? That I make sense? You read more insight into a question answered. Where are your contributions we post about equal numbers, no? Can you answer tech questions is what I'm asking. Why are you not answering tech questions, but hounding on members right out the gate.

Why all of a sudden are you calling out people and ruin their thread. Why can't you aruge the tech instead. Why am I not questioned about that mod change in this thread or the pipe/map2 thread. Think about it. Have you been watching that AFR meter to prove me wrong? Can you see a T dash next to the meter? Trolls do not have bikes on the troll.

Get your facts straight. I don't swap AFR meters just to act the troll. This bike runs like crap and handles like a dream. WATT all you are seeing is me trying to walk out each test tune per mule run(s). Right now I have a battery problem because this T was a sitter. Watch how that dealer and I play that warranty out. I had a nice conversation with Yuasa yesterday. I ran my charging sequence at them and I came away with flying colors.

If I beat bike for tuning purposes, report said results, what does a troll actually do? Remember, you are watching two tunes in motion without map2.

Put me on the carpet, wes, now I send you down the road as in, 'show me your bike, troll.' How do the shoes fit now, wes? I'm not here to destroy anyone's thread. I'll bring it here. So bring your complaint. Or do you have one.

This is part-1 (closed loop) of me listening to the engine note in box stock form. Low rpm pop is normal. I am listening to the two different tunes at the AFR in closed and open loop... Sorta speak. All you are doing is coming along for the ride you click that vid. Still short-shifting her for break in I see that red light come on. Plus, I'm a little hung up on a decent downhill run, but you run WATTheWOT no data lost.

Part 2 is again, the low rpm downhill. I'm still cutting up today's run. One more setting for the map2 is up the wazoo in my book. Nasty-nasty setting and to think the sync is not even close yet.

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