Thread Lock

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Does anyone use it on their bike or do you see it as the devils spawn.

Personally I swear by:

Loctite 243, 262 and the new 2701. At £90 a bottle it aint cheap, but it could save your life.

Reason I ask is I was wondering if anyone has come across a reason now to use this stuff?
Yip, i use it on any bolts that "could" vibrate, shake etc....loose (ie calipers bolts, disc rotors)!

Good stuff!!
Aye, Loctite user here for sure.... always on the important no wanna come come orf on yer ride bits :D
Only sometimes. Depending the bolt etc. Had a couple of issues when trying to remove bolds and stripped the bold head.
Good stuff. I managed to keep riding my bike with 272 holding in the bolts on my rear caliper after I stipped the threads lol....
After the single front caliper dropping off my hornet 250, (first bike and i'm thinking who needs a torque wrench?) on the way to the northwest 200 i limped on to a local hardware store to get some replacement bolts and bled it with a straw from the bar.

After that i decided it would be more prudent to buy a torque wrench and some threadlock.
What should Iuse then for caliper bolts etc

Blue Red or Purple??

Why is the threadlock so expensive, I reckon silicon would do the same job unless someone else can explain to me why not.
Blue for caliper bolts for me. Its not strictly necessary if you torque it up right as far as i know but its worth it for peace of mind.

Threadlock is essentially super glue and whilst its used to stop bolts vibrating free i'm not sure silicone would provide the same grip.
Threadlock works in a vacuum which is why there is always air in the bottle when you buy it, silicon would never cure in a vacuum hence there's no air in the tube!
Just started using the blue non-permanent "loctite" as I've travelled 80 kms on a brand new 07 rsv and have lost 3 bolts already, snugged up all other fairinf bolts and misc plastics
yep i use it on both blkes and on the old race bike.ttrouble you are so right with the silicone.i do use the high temp on my calipers for trackday instead of saftywire.yep i am lazy i suppose.locktight is good..:devious
I picked up some blue "loctite" thread lock yesterday. Covered the threads and tightened. Works well. Tried to remove one of the spools today and felt a little resistance but easily broke free. I think the blue will def help with bolts loosening off due to vibrations!

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