Thinking of buying the RSV4 RF.

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Apr 27, 2015
Hi everyone,
I'm new to this forum and just thought I would try and get some feedback from Aprilia owners. I currently have two bikes - a 2008 Fireblade which I have pimped over the years about as much as it can be with Akro exhaust and carbon wheels and all the usual mods. The reason I did that is the first time I rode one I was blown away by the performance but not by the character of the bike. It was really easy to ride fast but it didn't feel particularly thrilling. Having made all the changes (the exhaust had the most impact as it at least sounded good) it has been a great bike and I am very fond of it. It has been trouble free, starts every time (even after 6 months in the garage) and puts a smile on my face when I ride it. But it is not very special. There are several thousand of them in the UK alone. That can have it's advantages with parts and accessories but it is hardly a head turner.
My second bike is a BMW R1200 GSA which I bought last year in a rare moment of sensible middle age reflection when I thought it was time to slow down a bit and who knows one day I might just pack it all in and go travelling around the world like Ewan and Charlie. Only problem is that it is never going to happen in reality so I find myself with possibly the most practical and sturdy bike which takes me anywhere efficiently and comfortably with enough luggage capacity to suit even my wife (who has never and will never go on it). It doesn't however put a smile on my face and I have a sneaking suspicion that I look a real prick on it in my Rukka two piece. Anyway I certainly don't feel as proud to own it as I should with the price tag it has.
At the weekend I was passing a bike shop when I glanced in and saw the new Aprilia RSV4RF in the window. And that is when I knew that I had got it all wrong. It was love at first sight and I really really wanted it. Now if money was no object I would have signed on the dotted line there and then but unfortuantely I chose the wrong numbers again and am still scrapping around to pay the mortgage and uni fees every month (my childrens - not mine. I didn't have enough O levels)
It is a truly beautiful bike and so well put together. It comes with all the bits I pimped on the Firebalde as standard and I know without any doubt that I would be very proud to own one.
So here's the point. Do I swallow hard and sell the two I have and buy the RSV4 RF with the proceeds? Will I regret it in six months when the initial blind love has worn off ? Are you still glad you all bought Aprilias? Are they good? Are they reliable? Are they exciting to own?
I will probably only do the odd track day and most of the time I will be a fair weather rider with the odd trip abroad. Am I mad to be even contemplating it? Your feed back would be much appreciated.
Many thanks.
Hi - I bought an 08 Blade new and really loved it, did a few bits but know what you mean about not feeling Special. Having said that is wasnt a demanding bike to own or ride & it fit my mood. Sold after 3 years, road tested a new GS1200 6 months ago but couldnt commit to a sit up bike. Just had an RSV4R aprc model - Really pleased at the moment but feel I need my wits about me more than on the blade. Special feeling box is ticked. Saw the new RF last week - Looks fantastic. Certainly not going to see one on every street corner.
Thanks for your comments. It's quite a quiet forum compared to the Fireblade forum which I suppose makes sense considering the relative number of owners. I have bitten the bullet and gone ahead with the RSV4 RF. Fireblade's gone and I sold the carbon wheels seperately --too cheaply I think - they went in a day off the Fireblade forum. GSA is still sitting in the garage and I'm not sure whether to keep it or not. It does have it's uses.
Now just waiting for the new bike to arrive. I'm getting no 3 from the dealer. No 2 was due at the beginning of May and still hasn't arrived so God know's when no 3 will get here. It is scheduled for June but I'm not holding my breath. Hate waiting for new bikes to arrive!
Anyway thanks again for your feedback.

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