Think I might have cooked the bike!

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Feb 25, 2011
Need some help/advice regarding my 02 mille.

I'll start by saying I've had no starting or other issues with the bike prior to this.

I was doing some repairs the other day when I noticed one of the starter solenoid studs/nuts was corroded so I disconnected the cable and cleaned the nuts and washers up (the copper stud was fine) reassembled it and sqirted a tiny amount of gt85 on the connection as a water repelent.

Tried starting the bike and the solenoid was clicking away like a slow machine gun and obviously the bike wouldn't turn!

I disconnected the same stud and cleaned it with contact cleaner as Ive had this problem with gt85 causing funny connection problems in the past. Reassembled it and it started perfect- Jobs a goodun!

Fast forward a few days and tonight tried to start the bike tonight and same problem so went straight to the solenoid, cleaned it up, tested it electrically and it operates as it should with the starter motor disconnected ie a nice clack noise and the switch goes from open circuit to very low resistance closed circuit but when the starter motor is put back into circuit the same happens again.

I've got an old wiring harness 03 mille so I found the starter solenoid from that (which was a non oem) and tried that in which turned the motor as it should but it didn't start probably because it was flooded I would think but the diag message appeared in the dash display with varying codes from 0, 1 , -1 which to me sounds like tps settings??

I did not over crank the bike at any stage just a couple of seconds enough to know whether it would start but when I stopped cranking the electronics, mainly the alarm I think by the sounds of it sounded like they were switching on and off in an erratic mannor.
I then had real issues arming and disarming the alarm (meta) The bike batery and alarm battery are good.

The bike is now totally immobilised and the alarm makes no noise to indicate it's state but I did hear a faint muffled electronic sound if I stuck my ear next to the alarm!

I appreciate this is a bit of a ramble but have any of you had the issue with the solenoid operating like a machine gun and/or f&king the ecu or alarm etc??

Any advice or input greatly appreciated,

Cheers Dave

Also the when I stopped cranking whi
Yeh its just came off the optimiser it was 12.6 . The original solenoid clicking the way it did seams to have killed either the ecu or the alarm. The bike was spot on untill I stripped the connector off. Im starting to think some gt 85 has gotten in the solenoind an caused bother. Strange how the other solenoid I put on seamed to operate spot on but caused the alarm to stop arming and disarming prperly.....AHHH my heads battered Im off to bed grrrrr!
Try when the battery has been oncharge overnight with the original solenoid by getting some heavy duty pliers across the solenoid terminals this will tell whether battery is defective or not if you still get clicking this battery is junk m8 tbh 12.6 at the dash is a little low I'd say if it has been on optimizer all the time it should be in the high 12's and even though the voltage looks good batt can still be defective and you can't chance it or you''ll end up knackering ur sprag clutch!!! I recently gor a Motobatt MTBX12U and have had no problems starting since!!!

Alarms cause all sorts of problems on these milles as there wiring is not all that great in the first place and any thing defective will highlight this.
I would recommend removing the alarm altogether and et a disclock alarm m8........:thumbup
might be worth checking the starter motor brushes 7mm is the limit

i checked mine when i was sorting starting issues and had 11mm left on them but i cleaned the brushes and armature etc so perfect connection .

i only say check as you said it went funny after reconnecting starter motor?

earth strap is good yes?
Thanks for the replys everyone but I've got it a fashion!

My theory on what has happened is.....

When I cleaned the original solenoid up I reckon some GT85 has gotten inside causing issues with the main contacts (this is a theory) or I could have damaged the solenoid somehow and not realised, either way-

The alarm breaks the supply to the starter solenoid and the engine stop relay and it gets it's suppy directly from the 30amp fuse so....when the solenoid closed and the resistance was **** (poor contacts) this created alsorts of issues with the 12v circuit and in turn the supply to the alarm which then "failed safe" and broke the supply to the solenoid which then became open circuit allowing the 12v supply to stablise thus allowing the alarm to close the immobilser circuit again allowing the solenoid to rengage and the cycle just continued back and forth like a slow machine gun.

I put the spare non oem solenoid back in but the bike was dead apart from the dash display. The alarm wouldn't arm, disarm or do anything so I traced all the wiring back and spliced the immobilised parts of the circuit back together and Hey Presto!! THUNDER was unleashed once again!

I reckon the solenoid making and breaking that current from the starter motor has fried the alarms internal circuit or shut it down. I'd like to get the alarm sorted as I quite like having one but it looks completely tamper proof so no idea if there's an internal fuse or reset??

Anyway I'll try and add a pic of the replacement solenoid, if anyone can identify it I'd be greatful, ahhh it wont let me post attachments so never mind

Many thanks Dave
Wow u did not seem to know that much about bike circuits in ur 1st post on the problem, but now u sound like an electronics WIZ?
Nice to know someone knows there stuff :thumbup
AP8112927 I think is the ape one and again I think the yam is a starter solenoid from a Yamaha Warrior ATV (part #4KD-81940-00-00).*The equivalent bike part may have a different number
Thanks again for the input, chuffed it's running. There's a builder doing some work down the street for a neighbour and he came up to see what the noise his words "that sounds ******* awsome" ha ha that'll do for moi

Gonna try and sort this alarm out now...

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