n, a couple of years ago me and ma mucker went on a duc run but we met at the place across the road fae the welly. This dude showed up on one of them retro twin shock ducs, it even had a feckin humungusly large fly screen up front. He looked like a retired Headmaster complete wae the horn rim specs. We caught the Corran ferry and headed fir lochailort wae him leadin the way. He wis a seriously deranged deathwish dude, a stayed wae him untill we got onto a section of newly resufaced road wae 400 tonnes of loose chips on it. A needed some bacy so decided to stop at the next shop a saw, also to wait fir ma mucker an the rest of the dudes. Awent into the shop wae ma lid on and got ma bacy etc, this wee old fit lookin dude wis natterin away to me but a couldnae hear whit he wis sayin, so a did ma usual heid noddin ****. Turns oot it wis that andi robbin dude, the one wae the grizzly bear that decided to go walk aboot in govan. The poor bear wisnae right effter that excursion, story goes that the local neds felt that it wis way smarter than them so they kicked the utter feck oot it. The poor fecker never recovered fae that visit.